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Posts posted by David.Gamble

  1. As a matter of interest, many years ago, I was bought, as a present, a kit which consisted of a coil former, some heavy gauge copper wire, and an aluminium casting which made up the handle, this was the gear to create a DC welder which ran off batteries.

    I wound the coil, assembled the unit and it proved to be excellent. It's action is that as you scratch the electrode, the current thro the coil withdraws the electrode into the coil, thus providing a vibrating tip, which consequently established the arc.

    This was 45 years ago, at that time, I used it to carry out sheet metal repairs to my mate's father-in-law's Morris Minor, it is tremendous


    Since then, I've never had occasion to use it again, but I still have the tool, taking pride of place in my tool case.

    If there is any interest I can post a photo.


    That would be very interesting to see...

  2. Pictures too small but 95% certain it’s identical to my 1991, 90, 2.5 NAD, ex military.

    Length of 11”. Secured with 4 screws on top front lip. Bottom lip clips into metal bracket on the bottom of rad. 2 piece cowl pop riveted together.

    Hmmmmm interesting... so we've got it down to two

  3. I know myself from travelling to Indian ports a few times in my job onboard vessels that the Indians can be very officious/bureaucratic to say the least, every bit of the ships paperwork and also my teams paperwork and equipment was not only scrutinised but also in some cases verified using they're official Govt. entities too, Do not​ take If you have one any form of satellite communications equipment-phones etc. as they will be confiscated and you'll never see them again, I have to use sat-phones In my work and have had info through from my company and also the ship at the time allaying to the reason why we couldn't use sat comm gear and had to lock it in the Masters safe. John

    Thanks, good info. What about tracking systems, was thinking of taking a yellow brick with me.

    Do you think I could take a sat phone in my luggage on the plane?

  4. Do you know the shipping company you will be using? if so why not approach them to ask the question. We did this with MACS when we first went out to Namibia in 2003 and they were very helpful. Have you googled 'shipping agents in Mumbai'? Margaret - using Mike's log in

    Yeh I have many weren't that helpful but got a couple of leads

  5. Nice one guys,

    Yeh I posted a similar thing on the Hubb, got quite a few horror storiesin return!

    I will give that chap a message. I love India but getting anything done is a bloody nightmare and we have quite a few fixed time constraints so I'm keen to get everything as sorted as pos before we go.

    Thanks again guys!


  6. Hello,

    I am planning on shipping my defender by sea to Mumbai India. I've found a number of shipping agents in the UK but they don't have an agent in India to unload and clear the container through customs.

    Does any know of a reliable agent in Mumbai that can unload and clear the container and then load it for return shipping?

    Also, does anyone have any experience of shipping to India? How lengthily or difficult is the process? I've been to India a couple of times and even buying a train ticket can take days.



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