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Posts posted by smallfry

  1. Might have had an airlock in the fuel lines ?

    Cooling system should bleed itself, provided the coolant is kept topped up. Ignition timing can cause overheating, but more likely to be head gaskets or cylinder liners Im afraid

    I hope for your sake I am wrong though

  2. I gave a teenage nephew who expressed an interest in becoming a mechanic a couple of broken diffs, some failed halfshafts, layshafts, mainshafts,a few bits of rusty chassis sections etc.

    Whilst he still desires to be a mechanic, that collection of bits has "Inspired" him never, ever to become a Landrover owner.(sarc)

    But at least it cleared you garden Bill :ph34r:

  3. They are not handed any any 10 bolt head will be fine. DO NOT try to use a 14 bolt head because the compression ratio will be different.

    I do believe that you will need new head bolts as they are SUPPOSED to be renewed.

    Try drilling the head off the bolt if you can, then when the head is off undo it with Mole grips ?

  4. Sounds like voltage regulation problem to me, assuming the sender is matched to the gauge.

    What he said.............

    VDO gauges work on a different voltage I seem to remember reading somewhere, maybe even unregulated ?

    I cant even remember if 90/110 Defenders even have a regulator ?

  5. I have never really found insurance to be a problem. Even back when I had a Rover V8 in a Triumph Herald, or a Chevy 327 in an Opel Manta, even less so now that I am OLD, but i do understand what you mean about them having a get out clause, but TBH wouldnt this apply to virtually EVERY land Rover out there, if they wanted to push the point ? Theres bound to be something you have forgotten to declare, even if its pretty basic.

    It's too easy to assemble a "Bitsa" vehicle that's likely to steer/stop like a Teflon-coated-elephant-on-ice [i detest on-road use of vehicles with silly suspension-lifts or oversized off-road tyres] and which will also have a VOSA inspector's eyes light up if you're ever pulled over on a roadside stop or if HMRC come round wondering just how a supposedly tax-exempt Land-Rover has a 1996 Discovery chassis, 5-speed transmission, coil-suspension, disc-braked axles, one-piece windscreen and a TD5 engine.

    Are you sure you are not my favourite neighbour ??? Doesnt every old Landy have those things ?

    I can never understand why CV propshafts never caught on, although I had a Rover SD1 and a Triumph Spitire that had one

  6. Following on from the Relacement parts and continuing problems thread and my disillusionment with the Rover V8 thread.................

    Would YOU buy a modified Land Rover ? I dont mean with a few extras added, but REALLY modified. Stuff like radically altered suspension, Alien engines gearboxes axles etc Chipped smokey diesels and the like ?

    For my part I probably wouldnt for mainly two reasons.

    Firstly, I actually enjoy changing things around myself and some things are just too radical, but secondly, and more importantly, I am always suspicious of other peoples workmanship.

    Just wondering really how much are you inhibiting your chances of selling if you had/wanted to ?

  7. Does the teflon coating cover the recess where the bearings/swivel pins sit ? As teflon is relatively soft, could this be allowing the bearings to move slightly under load, replicating wear, thus causing them to hammer the casting into submission ?

    Chrome being so hard that it has swallows tattooed on its neck wouldnt do this.

    I sorta think its big wheels big offset and extreme use that mostly causes this. Wheel, tyre, and spacer combos are getting bigger and bigger nowadays, and this size stuff was never fitted to leafers.

    having said that, like others have said, I have never seen a chrome ball broken like this either. Deformed yes, but not broken, and ASSUMING that they are meant to be steel ? If you look at the Mr Noisys picture, that ball has just cracked, like its brittle. Steel will not break like this. Normally it will show signs of stretch and tear also, and I can see none here.

    I do not think Britpart make their own stuff at all. They are a factor of sorts, but they probably commission manufacturing companies to make stuff of their behalf and brand it as their own, but who comes up with the specification? and how ?

  8. The 100 looks like a cut down 110 to me. Might well have been a SW but it would be easier to swap the body and NOT try and alter the doors....................They could have sold the SW body, doors and seats etc to pay for other stuff. Thats what I would have done !

    The white 90 looks a bit bling to me, and the black and white effect looks carp IMO. A bit expensive you think ?

    Last one looks a lot better, but a 200TDi in 1995 ?

  9. I thought teflon coated balls were fitted as standard from sometime mid nineties ? I have never heard of one breaking, but seriously, do you really expect them to survive being "airborne" ? This is more like destruction derby usage which I doubt very much was in the original design criteria in any case

    The aftermarket stuff that factors sell for normal cars is usually OE anyway, and the reason it is cheaper is because of the high volumes that they can move. Land Rovers are very small in numbers by comparison, and the components are usually larger too, which makes them seem expensive, and in any case, most LR owners use the specialists and generally buy on price. Pattern stuff is NEVER going to be as good. It fits, and it does the job, but legally that is all it has to do, but for how long is anyones guess.

    You NEVER get more for less..........just less.

    This is one of the reasons why Land Rovers have a reputation for being unreliable. Fit the cheapest stuff you can buy, fitted by someone who doesnt really know what they are doing, dont bother to fit it properly, dont lubricate it. Do the most stupid things imaginable with the vehicle and then expect it to last forever. I have had a lot of Land Rovers, and the amount of bodgery I have seen over the years is truly staggering, and what really amazes me, is that some of those guys out there that do this are actually PROUD of it !

    A while ago I saw on Youtube some guy who had a replacement blue box wheel bearing fail and was slagging them off, but from where I am sitting, there didnt seem to be any evidence of any lube in sight, so again, what do you expect.

    Blue box company is a BIG company. If everyone who has a LR quickly learns not to buy this stuff, who buys it ? How do they manage to stay in business ? Some one must do, and their range is increasing all the time...................

    At the end of the day, should you realistically expect a £15 part to last as long as £70 one ? If you DO, then you have a lot to learn !

    I DO use blue box stuff sometimes, but only if I can look at it first, or have the option of returning it without a fight, as I have found some stuff is OK, and some obviously not. It does now have a two year guarantee after all. And to be totally honest, I have not yet had any failure problems, but also i do not expect it last a long time either.

    You pays yer money...................

  10. Cant see the dog guard..........................

    Years ago I wasted a lot of money and time (not to this extent though) trying to make my Land Rover more like a car. It never really worked out because it is not what the vehicle is..................

    Cant be doing with it at all now, I want mine to look older and more like a series inside now. And DEFINATELY no carpet

  11. But thats just it. The Rover V8 ISNT cheap.

    It is all the time its running fine,and for that you will have to stick to a 3.5, then ALL you have to worry about is ignition, fuelling and camshaft wear. :blink: If you have a big bore engine it will more than 50% have to have new liners as well, and then it starts getting expensive.

    I KNOW a lot of people on here say they have NOT had a problem, and if indeed they havent, then good for them, but I think that in time they will, UNLESS they have spent money on it already to try and solve the issues that you shouldnt have to solve in the first place.

    I can only go by PERSONAL experience, and I have now had FOUR big bore engines (3x3.9 and 1x4.0) that have all had leaking liners/cracks

    And thats 100% failure rate !

    So what do I do ? Dont want a diesel, so do I buy yet another engine which probably will be no good, or spend £1000 plus on a relinered block, and thats just the start of it. And I cannot justify it, let alone afford it ! I know a lot of you can, and good luck to you, but realistically, that leaves stick to a 3.5, OR use a Doodlediddle engine..........or something else. Either of which, apart from conversion costs and actually doing it, I would more like as not fit it, and forget about it. More or less.

  12. Any braked trailer is going to apply the brakes when you push it backwards....................

    what you have to do is stop the hitch/drawbar pushing in and applyibg the brakes.

    Depending on what type of hitch/drawbar you have, you have to prevent it doing this. A piece of tube, a U shaped metal stop of a lock pin/bolt through it.

  13. .

    Pleased to see E marked units are legal?

    However I also agree about the headlight war it seems that now that the wattage is irrelevant as a control it is fair game to blind everyone as long as you are OK.

    But ARE they legal ? There seems to some question about that, with those having a vested interest in selling them saying one thing, and the agency responsible for safety, contruction and use saying another......................

    Its rather similar to the "ten year tyre rule", where same agency have no view on the subject, yet those with a vested interest in selling tyres (the manufacturers) say you MUST change them.........when legally you dont.

    I would like to see all this stuff banned anyway LED HiD whatever, not because I am anti progress and tech, but because I am sick and tired of being nearly blinded by these things and not being able to see for a couple of seconds.

    It seems to be the f**k you syndrome, and entirely unecessary, and banning them would have the very great benifit of slowing everyone down at night, which I personally think would be a good thing.

    Dont even get me started on those flashing bicycle lamps.......................

  14. The Edelbrock/Weber.........assume its a 500 ? Will like to have 6 to7 psi

    If you have the in tank pump, it only gives about 3 to 4 (well mine does) might be the problem ?

    Dont know the history of the carb, but did it run OK on petrol at any time ? Wrong main jets maybe ?

    If this had points ignition, I would look at the condenser ?

  15. Go on admit it.....................you all bought one didntcha ? Go on fess up :i-m_so_happy:

    You would need one powerful electric run a proper one on full bore, and a mighty big alternator to sap all the power to keep up with it.

    And being that nothing mechanical or electic is 100% efficient, would surely mean a net loss ? Or a dead loss ?

    Also, the guy on the right in the vid...............are they his real teeth ?

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