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Everything posted by landrover598

  1. I hope your going to pimp your new welder Dave B)
  2. I fitted a Paddocks A-Frame ball joint 18 months ago and it's still in perfect condition.
  3. Looks very smart, how much £ if you don't mind me asking ? I've been catalogue shopping for a welder this morning in work and feel a serious wallet bashing coming on
  4. 10mm is awfull flimsy Good work though, i must get mine done some time soon
  5. Thats odd, because when i phoned pro comp uk for new poly bushes, i gave them the part number of my damper and the next day the correct bushes came through the letter box.
  6. How about some flat valves as sold by an certain orange company. If they are selling them, then someone else must of been selling them before
  7. Try supply into 2 and output at 3, connect both 7 and 8 to earth, and have a feed coming from the dash lights into 6
  8. I had mine fitted to the roof on my old landy, bit of a struggle to refit them when they were full of mud though
  9. Thats ok, as i've got my eye on one of them anyway
  10. Indeed, i was travelling light as we were only going to do a couple of very easy lanes
  11. There are a few on Ebay at the moment, including one brand new one for £2k
  12. Mine are under a false floor, They are 1.4m long and fit perfectly into my 100" Defender
  13. Try Com 8 in the GPS setup in MM , and make sure the GPS is turned on in the main system settings.
  14. I've been using an ARB for about 7 or 8 months and had no problems with it, easy to install and easy to use, so i'd recommend them At £16 each the V8 90 shafts are slightly cheaper option than the Ashcroft shafts. There are a few people using them (including myself) and have had no problems with them. As your only on small tyres these should be more than adequate. I'm using them with 33" Simex and i think Jim uses them with 35" Simex.
  15. The only thing i bought was a pair of dampers, was a cracking day though, lovely weather and saw a load of familiar faces
  16. He almost took that 90mm thick plate i offered him, but i guess it was a bit on the light side for him Good job though B)
  17. He did say at the end that he had got all but one, the one over the stream and up the bank, down in all the waterfalls Definately need to make them a lot harder next time
  18. Mine are similar to Nige's, plated the end of the outrigger with 6mm plate, welded on and a M16 bolt will go vertically into the main hoop (if i ever get around to putting the cage on )
  19. My zip tied rear flexi pipe (running along rear A frame) passed SVA Pipes from Llama 4x4
  20. Well i finally got a free, dry day to do this modification. I've replaced the two short hoses going to each caliper with one long one run allong the hockey stick, then into a Tee piece and two short bits of copper pipe Before Now Now i can start work on the front suspension without having to worry about the hoses going tight
  21. He'd have had a heart attack if he saw the delivery we had on Tuesday, 22.5 tons of steel plates, 25mm to 50mm
  22. We've had 25mm sample parts water cut and they looked good, but the tollerance was way out We cut up to 100 with the profile burner and it cuts surprisingly neat.
  23. What are your lazers like at cutting thicker than 20mm ? I've got to find where i work a company who can cut 20+ The people we use now can't do more the 15 accurately
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