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Everything posted by landrover598

  1. Make the plug from copper / brass? the same thinking behind using copper / brass nuts on the manifold bolts
  2. Yes it will need SVA The way i located mine was the back face of the outrigger, an inch forward of the centreline of the front bolt holding the centre cross member in Hope this helps
  3. I've got 4 of the Screwfix 6 Ton stands, perfect size for a landy. I've also got a large 4 Ton trolley jack bought second hand from the local paper for £40
  4. Unfortunately not, I only saw it a few times over the weekend I've got plenty of pictures of the Pinzgauers though
  5. Another cracking event run by SLRC B) Had a great time, saw some very nice machines in action and a few old mates. I'm glad i wasn't camping, it was a tad on the chilly side Hopefully everyone got home ok and those who broke things, got fixed. A few of my pictures Roll on September
  6. What time are the marshalls going to be arriving on Friday ?
  7. Anyone else going tomorrow? I'll be there in the morning B)
  8. Mine have not been balanced but seem fine on the road, which is a a shame as my BFG MT's which i use as my road tyre are out of balance and give steering shake
  9. I don't have the MM photos or Ozi (what ever that is ) so it looks like i'll have to use the inbuilt GPS
  10. How do you do this then Mark ? Not that i'll need it much
  11. Yeh Gary, your welcome if your truck is fixed
  12. The weekend of the 24th/25th will probably be the next outing
  13. Indeed, you did have surpisingly good levels of grip, but my BFG's have only a few mm of tread, and i had to cut through all the soft mud to leave you clean tracks to follow
  14. God created the 100" wheelbase on the 7th day, No need to change it
  15. Yeah, i did a recce yesterday of some of the lanes, and probably tonight i'll sort a route out, meeting on sunday morning at SN918116 about 9:30 ish OK with you ?
  16. Where did you get these from ? As ProComp say they only do up to 15" I'm using ProComp ES9000 all round, not had any problems apart from wear in the eye bushes
  17. I don't think a winch biatch would be keen on that I made my ground anchor from ultra lightweight 6 and 12mm
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