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Everything posted by landrover598

  1. I think they're all waiting for the good weather
  2. I'll be making the long old trek up again this year
  3. Excellent I'll probably make my own plate so that i can thread it, it's probably a bit thin Got a nice sheet of 10mm plate out the back
  4. Just been to check mine as i'm sure it doesn't look like that, and i was right Mine's got a cast disk with a round shaft sticking out of it by about an inch Can i replace this with just a flat plate ?
  5. ahar Where is the round plate on my lump then, because i'm sure i can't remember seeing one It's a bit Welsh outside today to go and check
  6. I've heard you can fit an extended breather to the timing case Where do i connect my breather pipe to my 200tdi disco engine timing case ? Any other breathers i need to extend ? I've already done both axles, both boxes, timing case once i find out where and injector pump once i get some more pipe Thanks
  7. They look nice B) not seen them before
  8. As the title says, lets see pics of your front dislocation cones Either home brew or purchased What works ? What doesn't work ? Ideas, suggestions all welcome
  9. The only place the gutters will be different are allong the front at the top of the windscreen and i'm sure i've not seen a roof rack fitting here The rest'll be the same
  10. Paul, how have you managed to mount the top of the damper so low ? do the dampers bottom out on the compression side ??
  11. Thanks for the info, i knew someone around here would know If some is good, more is better B)
  12. I've not managed to break my WinchWeb yet Not managed to use it at all infact
  13. righteo Mine currently looks like this As you can this is not full articulation, there is a few inches more of compression, need some softer springs. My shocks are set with about 1/2" of compression left when the axle is against the lowered bump stop ( tyre shouldn't tuch the tub now) So it could be the joint thats limiting articulation Looks like i'll have to think of a plan B
  14. Is that either way from rest or total movement
  15. Anybody how many degrees of movement a standard rear a-frame ball joint has ?
  16. Looks nice, good work My favorite colour too B)
  17. Both of those look hideous Mark, you've got enough on your plate as it is
  18. I've just finished putting polys in my panhard rod this morning One of the old bushes fell out with a light tap The other one, i used a drill to remove the majority of the rubber, knocked the center sleeve out, the used a hacksaw to cut a slot in the outer shell, a few good blows with the hammer and out she came New ones were a bit of a fiddle to get in, mainly due to only having two hands, and having to do the vice up with my knee
  19. Whats the date of round 4 May go up and have a watch Landies, Sheep, Welsh rain, what more could a man ask for
  20. Just what i was going to ask ? Cant see anything about the play site on the website I've been wanting to go on one of these tours up in Mid Wales for a while now, just can't find the time
  21. I soldered then crimped mine using a pliers in the vice, looks like a good fit, shouldn't come apart
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