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Everything posted by landrover598

  1. Excellent, I've got standard 200 with 265/75 aswell, and can't tow more then 3/4 ton anyway so should be fine When i was looking at Marks datasheet, there's about a 10mph difference on the M-way between the two boxes
  2. Is there any way to reduce the play in the steering system, i can move the wheel about 10mm or so either way with no effect. All the TRE's are new and on tight, the UJ's in the column don't feel loose, new damper on tight, wheel bearings and swivels checked and fine '84 RRC
  3. How does go without the pikey van ? Chaning mine from a 1.4 to 1.2 sometime in the next few weeks and am hoping it won't be too over geared Is your disco standard tdi?
  4. I've got a master and two push switches on the dash And a sprung toggle on the wingtop
  5. These people do trips in Mid Wales Not been on one myself, but may do in the future
  6. That sounds good I'd like to use standard LR springs if possible to keep cost down Have you got the specs for those springs ? thanks
  7. I'm looking for some +1" springs for the front of my defender, It's got a boat anchor (aka Tdi) and a 50Kg winch and bumper fitted. What options / brands are available ?
  8. I've got a 200 tdi rangy, not a factory one though, the engine mounts had been home made by whoever done the conversion
  9. As promised It's a bit cr4p, but does the job
  10. One question, how much have you had to notch the axle bracket to allow them to fit on full droop ?
  11. I just fitted +6" shocks to my defender on the weekend, i made my own raised top mounts. The only ones i could find were the $crapiron ones, and i don't know if they sell them as a seperate part, definately don't want to know how much £££ Mine are raised about 6" from standard, with a +2" spring
  12. I need one to use as a pulley for my winch web I could use and ordinary shackle and polish it, but if i can find an SS one then all the better.
  13. I'm trying to find a supplier of a stainless bow shackle, ideally tested Anyone know where i could look ? I've tried a boaty type place and they had a 20mm stainless bow shackle, not tested/stamped, but only rated for 1200kg Need something that can take the weight of a landy (towing not lifting) Thanks
  14. I really don't see a problem with the SVA system If you radically modify a vehicle, then get it SVA'd and Q'd, simple But the question is, what will they class as radically modded ? If they get silly and say +2" springs n shocks are not standard then it'll be a rightol mess My landy will be back down the SVA center every few months in that case , everytime i change/modify/add something
  15. Are you using any chocks in those pics ?? I always chock from and back of two tyres when using the hi lift, reduces the chance of it moving
  16. I've always used CO2 from the brewery suppliers Works fine for me
  17. I was advised against getting an alloy knob as the lettering rubs off them in a few months and they are very cold in winter
  18. Strange, i've used my hi lift loads of times, never had a problem with it ? Must have used it about 1/2 dozen times in the last week when i was testing and changing all my rear suspension stuff
  19. Go the SVA route Are you still going to stretch it back to 100" ?
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