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Everything posted by landrover598

  1. Great pics B) Can we see these please ?
  2. My BM diff seal hasn't even lasted 2K and it's starting to leak Think i'll change it for a genuine one sometime
  3. Good work B) Nothing like anoying your neighbours with a grinder
  4. I don't think the paint would last very long on the dislocation cones Looks like i'll be getting them galved the B) B)
  5. What about QT arms and such like ??
  6. Once i finish making my new shock mounts, relocation cones, turrets, bracketry etc, i'd like to get them coated to stop them rusting.What type of finish is best ? What do you use ? Where do you get them done ? Options so far i can think of :- Galv Powder Passivated
  7. Wow That looks like a fairly decent sized shackle too
  8. Only done a 2 laning trips so far this year , and here are 3 pics from the last trip
  9. [Monty Burns] Eggggcellent [/Monty Burns]
  10. Did you solder them as well ? I've got to do my cables tonight to move the solenoids to behind the headlamp
  11. Pimp my Maypole Can't beat a bit of fake chequer plate B) B) B)
  12. But at night, you can't see the huge drop down the valley coming through the gap at 1:30 am on March 1st
  13. Doesn't close till 12 midnight great fun driving it in the dark B)
  14. I once managed to get an 80mm by 20mm diameter chunk of branch into a quad bike tyre, just the end 10 mm or so was sticking out
  15. I had mine from maplins, but the next time i went to maplins, it got pulled out by the height barrier managed to find it on the road though and fix it back in
  16. I've had a clamp on type for 3 years now, never budged
  17. I won't use RAC again, took them 3 and a half hours to get to me at 7 Sisters, even though they sent out a local recovery company . The driver said the garage had only been contacted about 35/40 minutes before he arrived
  18. Any chance you can email me a copy of the last one please, i've been trying to find it for weeks so don't want to loose it now
  19. It's back now But without the XEng logo but still with the X in the backplate
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