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Posts posted by toad11

  1. Ralph, Thanks for the picture. Looking at the left hand side, it does appear that the engine mounting is further back than the right. You can see the gap between the nearest suspension turret stiffener and the edge of the engine mount is much bigger on the left. My engine mountings are in line but I suspect the left one is about 25mm further back to accommodate the steering pump. I located the mountings using the what I thought were the dimensions from the workshop manual but I now see that it was probably the dimension for the brake pipe brackets. As you might imagine I am now feeling something of an idiot, but at least I know what  needs to be done. :(

    Thanks for all the replies.




  2. Hi, I am rebuilding a 1988 2.5TD and I have replaced the chassis with one from an abandoned project. The new chassis had engine mounting brackets in a different place, so I welded new brackets in where I thought they should go and the engine and gearbox fitted perfectly. Or so I thought!  Everything was fine until I tried to put the steering pump in and I found that it fouled the new bracket. The 2.5TD engine block has two parallel sets of engine mount holes and my engine mounting bracket is in the front one. I now have a horrible suspicion that I should have welded the left side bracket further back and used the rear set of holes in the block. At the moment the slots in the brackets are the same distance back from the spring centres in they line up. My question is should they be slightly staggered.



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