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Everything posted by mickeyw

  1. This is just what I wanted to say ^^^^, but Nick has put it much better than I could.
  2. Also available as POI for TomTom, Garmin and Navman.
  3. Yes, enlarge the holes, it's much easier to get the hose in and the carp out. I bought my drain cleaning hose to fit my Karcher from a German company on fleabay. Was the cheapest I could find at about £30. You don't need a particularly long one Definitely worth the money. I reckon my fuel consumption has improved since I jetted all the mud out of the chassis
  4. Have to agree with the above, spark erosion is the only real solution. That's how we used to remove broken drills, taps, easy outs etc when I worked as a toolmaker some years ago. However getting an engine into the tank of a sparker would be quite a challenge (this is a submerged process), as would finding a toolmaking firm that has such plant that is still in business. Alternative methods I have employed to remove broken taps: Try to smash it into pieces and remove in bits. You would need a decent quality punch for this, AND SAFETY GOGGLES. This will muller the hole big time. Use a small grinding tool, such as a Dremmel, and LOTS of patience, to grind out what is left. Likely chances are you will need to Helicoil the hole once you have finished Which ever method you try I don't envy you. Good luck.
  5. If we're playing spot the difference, I can see: Spanish weight markings on the side. Different wing mirror to std LR. What other clues?
  6. Not sure if D2s have a plastic inlet manifold. If they do you'll need a sequential gas injection system, bit more expensive. Would recommend you give Tinley Tech a call in addition to looking at their web site. Probably the most helpful and knowledgable LPG people I've come across.
  7. I would think that it came out of a specialist body builder's shop. They would have made the longer capping by cutting and welding existing off-the-shelf parts. Same for the side panel section. A 110 or 90 body could easily yield sufficient material. I very much doubt the parts in your photo are in any LR parts book (or Microcat )
  8. When I restored my 88" and stuck a V8 in it an engineer's report was required. All I got from my local LR specialist was a one-liner on their headed paper stating that the modifications had been carried out to a good and safe standard. The insurers were perfectly happy with this. Before issueing this however, they did ask me a fix a couple of minor issues, one of which was to fit dual circuit brakes rather than run with the standard single circuit. They spent half an hour looking over and under it and must have been looking with open eyes and mind to spot what they did. They also took it for a short drive, you can tell a lot more by driving something. Money well spent IMO. As for your Td5 soft top, I wouldn't be surprised to hear they increased the premium due to the reduced vehicle security.
  9. Yes please, be very interested. thanks
  10. Gauge/setting tool of some sort. No idea what for though.
  11. There aren't enough days in the week to drive all the different LR permutations I would like to own A 101 GS with Noken winch is high on the list, but with some creature comforts (in a 101 ) added, hence its relevance to this thread. Defender seats, a 4.6 on LPG, power steering, some big(ger) tyres. That's just what I can think of for now. It's been 10 years since I drove a 101, but I reckon the 101 bug bites even harder than the standard LR species. I WANT ONE. More realistically though, the truck I currently drive has been a 14 years work-in-progress. It's a 1986 factory V8 Ninety hard top. It now has a 3.9 (would like a 4.6) on LPG (soon to add MJ), auto box, decent sound system, lecky windows, central locking, on-board air, winch and big tyres, just to list a few. In fact there are so many mods I have done over the years that another truck really would just take too long to create. However if I could change one thing, it would be to go 100", and I don't mean just move the axle back, I mean get more useable space inside without having a 110. 6.5" added to the WB and a little more rear overhang just to keep the proportions looking right would be really useful. Realistically though the most likely thing I'll do is refurbish what I have. Right now it has 24 years worth of dents and scrapes, fortunately very little rot, and still has 100% original panels and paint. Maybe I'll celebrate it's 25th birthday and buy it a new wing
  12. Mo, do you mean £19.99? I picked this set up for £19.99 the other week as a Christmas present for someone. These ones are a very good buy at the moment. Halfords pro screwdrivers are well worth buying. I've had mine for years, the cross heads all still look like cross head screwdrivers
  13. On the tyre theme - I was quite embarassed in my Ninety last night while out laning. I run 255/86x16 BFG muds, and in general they have impressed me, they give good traction and grip in fresh deep snow, even on some of the fairly packed stuff. However last night I came upon a track that got progressively steeper (and had a side incline), to the point where all three of us in the group had traction issues. Tried the normal rules for mud, back up and have another go with a bit more oomph. When this didn't work we started airing down tyres, as I tend to run mine pretty hard anyway(35F & 40R). The lead vehicle, a hulking heavy 110, runs 285/75x16 General AT2s. For him the pressure trick worked (down to 20 PSI). The other Ninety on 235/86x16 BFG MTs scrabbled up, with the aid of a rear locker. Me, well nothing was working for me last night, however much or little right foot was used A lengthy reversing session followed. Other differences in our trucks? The others were Tdis, mine's a V8; Tdis are manual, V8's an auto. Case for appropriate tyres was well and truly proven me thinks. Polished icy surfaces are nothing like hard greasy mud it seems.
  14. Have to agree with this. A colleague came into work this morning in her X5, slinging Fs everywhere as she abandonned it in the middle of the car park. "Effing P.O.S. car!", went for a scary slide twice in a residential road Having stolen the keys this morning for half an hour I can say it seems much less sure footed than my Ninety and less traction too. Pulling out of the car park in 4" of fresh snow caused it a lot more trouble to get moving than I would have expected. The X5 may have traction control and an LSD, but tyres that are a foot wide are a distinct hindrance in this weather. On the other hand I watched a chap in an old bullnosed Saab, in that lovely 70's yellow, having a great time hooning around the car park over the road. Plenty of control from what I could see Now can't wait to finish for today to go and play practice driving my Landy in the snow
  15. A good 2-3" here in Horley now, and it's still coming down pretty thick. Work is just 10 mins away (on a normal day) so alas I'll not be skiving, especially as I have the keys, Now for tomorrow- RRC for comfort, warmth and ABS; or the Ninety on MTs? I know which will be more fun
  16. Metric indeed, I have seen a 101 FC wearing 255/100x16 in the past. They looked about the right size for the truck. Can't remember what make though.
  17. Cor blimey! I'd better get some lighter shoes. My Ninety 3.9 auto doesn't often see the right side of 12mpg I have found too, and heard from elsewhere that LPG consumption tends to be worse in cold weather. Something to do with varying thermal expansion of gas at different temperatures maybe
  18. I made a single bed version of the D90 style. Not sure how you would get into a double setup It is true to say the ply is not the most comfortable of surfaces, but a couple of karrimats soon sorts that.
  19. I could help you out if it's a SWB. My trailer's too short for anything longer than a Ninety. When are you thinking of moving it?
  20. Donation made. Big thanks to all the mods and admins, keep up the good work.
  21. Sounds more like the shoes have stuck to the drum in the week it has been standing, caused by the mud n carp picked up while off-roading. Depending on model, if the early type with cable acting on a rod entering the back plate at 90 degrees, I would release the HB lever and try gently knocking the actuator rod into the back plate. I would expect the expander unit has jammed, often a little persuasion will get it to release. Failing that, try slackening the adjuster nut enough to allow remaoval of the drum. Then give everything a thorough clean, including the expander units. Re-assemble and adjust .
  22. I would be if I didn't live 250 miles away not fair
  23. Mine is very similar to this. Constructed from 20mm angle and covered with 1mm steel. The long hinge was scavenged from something stainless in the scrap bin . It bolts to the body cappings and through the wheel arch. Will do some photos tomorrow. £50 sounds a bargain for a plug n play job.
  24. Yes, a good and timely write up indeed. I just soldered my MJ PCB yesterday, a pretty simple job really. I have to concur on the size of the whole thing, I thought the case was missing when I unpacked it all! My next job is to mount a trigger wheel and the coil packs. I've yet to decide on the positioning of everything, but I think the coil packs will be going beside the plenum. My engine is a serpentine 3.9, so no room above the water pump as has been done by others. Hope tomorrow is a bit warmer than today. I'll be watching this thread for your further updates.
  25. Diffs, assuming factory spec, will be 3.54:1. Defender transfer boxes are all currently 1.4:1 AFAIK
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