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Posts posted by muddychris300tdi

  1. I'm a just in case type of person. I haven't taken my Disco offroading/green landing for 5 years as I use it as my work van but it still has bfg mud's and snorkel on it just in case. I'm glad it has as I have done a couple of jobs recently that I couldn't of got to if I was in a motor with road tyres. And if I need to drive a flooded road I can.

    What's the point in having a vehicle that looks like it can perform but can't when needed, you might as well have an X5.

  2. First of all congratulations. Now then like it already been said time just vanishes when you have kids. I don't know how often you plan to go offroad/green laning when little one comes along and i don't know what people think is an acceptable age to take kids offroading but it might be a while before you need three seats in the 90.

    I would say keep the 90 and get the work done to it and then re-think in a year or so if it suits your needs. At least then with the work done it will easy to sell and you will get more money for it.

  3. Hi all, I've had a search but can't come up with anything so wondered if you intelligent chaps could help me.

    I've got two led work lights on the back of my Disco with a switch at the back door. I want to for a switch in the front but want the switches to work together, so if I switch them on at the back I can turn them off at the front.

    So can it be done and what's the best way to do it?

    Any help is appreciated. Chris.

  4. If it's any consolation, I see (here in Eire) a much better bonatti grey 2009 model with 62k miles, a sump guard and underseal and for the £12k of that green one. And another, 2006, black with 47k miles, new brakes, snorkel, big arches, superwinch and a hell of a lot of other stuff for a little less.

    Are these private sales? I've got family in Tullamore so not to far away.

  5. Ok maybe I was having a rant over nothing, that is how dealers work. Buy it and sell it for more.

    At the time I expected it to go for around £12.000 which is much than I can afford at the moment. But if I had even thought it would go for £7000 I could have managed to get that sort of money. O well that's life.

    I will get my defender one day.

  6. Ok a couple of weeks ago I was watching a 130 on eBay. At the moment I haven't got the cash to spend on one but keeping on eye out for when I do.

    Anyway this went for a steal.


    Now look at it.


    Is it dealers pushing up the value of defenders? By watching eBay all day and and getting the good one's and selling them for 5 grand more?

  7. On my Disco, I removed boost control pipe from turbo. I have turbo actuator and boost control pipe and boost gauge all T'ed and coming from the banjo bolt on the back of the inlet manifold. As this should be getting true pressure of what the engine is receiving.

  8. The last few times I've used my 300tdi 1996 (spider removed) disco and have come to start it without locking since turning it off the immobiliser light would come on and it wouldn't start. Pressing the unlock key on the fob all would be fine and it would start.

    Today I had to do the above a few times but then I got no response out the fob and it won't start as the immobiliser light comes on. I have tried replacing the battery in fob but that hasn't worked. The only way I can get it to start is with a screw driver across the start solenoid.

    Please help me.


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