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Everything posted by jjojjas

  1. I looked at ORRP last week for the first time, although some of it was funny, I did struggle to find a great deal of info that was usefull. Genuine questions seemed to be shot down with abuse in one or two threads. Fine if thats what tickles you, but it just reminded me of MBUK. A mountain bike forum that I asked a tech question at once and got a load of drivel from 13 year old spotty kids about how I'd have wet dreams about ever owning a particular bike. The fact the bike is actually in my shed seemed to escape them. Don't get me wrong, long may it continue, but its not for me..... anyway, the original thread.......I think all forums have been slow lately, definately a change. Jas
  2. Sorry to read this Simon, I was following the disc brake with interest as I quite fancy one. When you lot sort out the stickers, post them on here and I'll have some too. I'm all for funding the forum and supporting Simon. ps, simon, do you sell stickers? x-eng ones? if not you could be missing a small market here. Scrapiron join my local Land Rover "specialist" at the top of the "will never use" pile.... Jas
  3. mine passed. I nearly fell over.......... Jas
  4. I didn't realise that. I just rebuilt all mine and put new seals everywhere. Obviously packing the bearing with grease as well. Jas
  5. Thats what happened to mine, the stud shrank back into the plastic. Jas
  6. what a cool picture. We got about 1/4 inch here at tyneside. Jas
  7. best - wright off road noise insulation, and the landy of course... worst - a local "specialist" ! or blue box caliper seal kits that don't actually fit...
  8. ....and mikes 40 mile south of me.......... Jas
  9. I think the external ones may be more potent..............
  10. ahhhh a winch......... no wonder I didn't know what is was! Jas
  11. Don't know where you are mate,but these used to do props to any length to order and i'm sure that they used to shorten/join your own if supplied (although that was 10 year ago!) Commercial Propshaft Services Ltd 190, Kingsway South, Team Valley Trading Estate, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear NE11 0SH Tel: 0191 4821690 If there at the other end of the world to you you best look in yellow pages for "propshaft"? good luck Jas
  12. same as siggy above, I use firefox as 1st choice, if I can't get the movie etc, I try with IE. If I still can't get it I give in.... Jas
  13. whats a mile marker? Jas
  14. is it possible to push the seal in an extra 2 or 3mm? If so, try it. I did this on my front diff flange seal as the flange itself had a groove worn in it. by pushing the seal in further it moved the lip out of the groove. A temporary fix that has lasted 10,000 mile........ Jas
  15. Mines the standard arrangement beside the adjustable tow plate. Departure angle etc.. isn't an issue for me (although I have filled it with earth once or twice...) I have seen one where its actually fitted into the lower rear back panel near the lights. As you point out, one of the trailers I use doesnt have sufficient cable for this and an extension may be the only way to go. I'm sure if your determined you could put it into the crossmember?? Jas
  16. I want to use one of these purely for security reasons, Ideally placed somewhere less obvious. I take it that any of the above would suit my purposes fine? Jas
  17. chris, pm me your e-mail address, I'll e-mail them tomorrow before 9am. Jas
  18. spellings dodgy, typings worse..........
  19. did we just go off-line for 10 minutes there? I couldn't access the site? Jas
  20. you happy with that or do you want me to nup out to the car & scan the revevant page in Hatnes manual? Jas
  21. you see! you all thought I was joking!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. I know, not even two full stickers!. child number 4 on the way............. Jas
  23. Here we have it ladies & gents, the lr4x4.com sticker skillfully applied to the freshly painted side of the 110. Not only does it break up the vast expanse of blue aluminium that makes up the side of my landy, but since applying the stickers I have noticed several interesting occurences......... Since applying the stickers I have NEVER slept alone! There has always been a woman in my bed with me every night!.......admittedly it is my wife, but its a start..... Since applying the stickers I was immediately more fertile! Its true, I only had half the second sticker on and my wife came outside to tell me she was pregnant! AFTER ONLY ONE AND A HALF STICKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since applying the stickers I have noticed the top speed of the landy to steadily increase to 120 MPH, this of course has its down-side.......fuel consumption has dropped to 52 MPG. ..and finally, since applying the stickers I have also noted that when I cut someone up in traffice, they can find me online easily and flame me................ Still, it saves them having to follow me home and beat me senseless. Has anyone noted any other proven effects of the forum sticker? For example, does potency increase if I stick it on the front of the landy?? Jas
  24. slightly off topic, but someone pointed out something to me a couple of weeks ago on one of these forums. If you have the usual height garage, then get a set of old landy rims and you can drive it in on the rims (no tyres) to work on it. A bit of a faf on I know, but if its snowing and I need to take the head off, I know what I'll be doing! Jas
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