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Everything posted by steve200TDi

  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Land-Rover-Defender-Discovery-Td5-15P-Engine-Cam-Camshaft-carrier-26K-miles-/141125634164?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item20dbbe4874 Forget about re line boring your cam shaft journal, this is a real bargin! NOT! Steve
  2. Excellent! I'm back too. See you at that very same hotel too! Steve
  3. I'm in and booked in as well! Can't wait! Steve
  4. Yes, I have quick release mud flaps, a few more pictures in my build thread which Bowie linked too. They work well and mud can be cleared from them quite easily when you ant to refit them after off roading. One of the difficulties with my previous design was the R clip had a much smaller hole to fit through (over the linch pins) and removing the mud could sometime be a pain. I had thought about using the D-zeus fastners but the hole could fill up with mud and the way I was making my rear cross member it would create a hole into the crossmember and fil up with mud and water. Steve
  5. Well, it looks like Simon119 was right. I replaced the injector seals and it works fine now. I had obviously caught it just after it had failed because I could not see anything wrong with the copper washers or O-rings. Steve
  6. Ah ok, well maybe its not all doom and gloom then, Thanks Simon. Beings I have a set of washers and o rings, I might as well fit them, job for the weekend then! Steve
  7. Hi, When I changed my fuel pump recently and when I removed the tank to fit a roll cage last year I ran the purge cycle for 2 or three times if not more, but then it still took ages to start by cranking the engine over, so you may want to persist a little longer as you hopefully will get a little white smoke and then it'll fire into life. Since then it's been fine and started on the button every time. Steve P.S. I better get back to sorting my TD5 out....again!
  8. Well, it just gets better! Slight flat line (drop off) in power while pressing the accelorator pedal followed by white smoke. Answers on a postcard........... I have my suspicions...... Steve
  9. Another vote for the GoPro. I have the GoPro Hero 1, waterproof housing nice and tough. A few vids I made here using the GoPro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR5qKUF9cS4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JED_NFDPS_U Steve
  10. I dropped the tank half way, removed the pipes and plug and then dropped it fully, took it out and cleaned the top of the tank and replaced the pump. A little bit fiddly at times, but its done now! The pump purges the air out so quickly to leave a near silent pump! Steve
  11. Well, I bought a new fuel pump and it seems to have cured it! Bit fiddly removing it, but its done now, so well pleased! Steve
  12. I too have seen this, I think it was at the LRO show at Peterborough and maybe Billing. Steve
  13. Hi Mike, when I had to replace mine I did contemplate fitting a stainless steel tank as you can get them, but whether they still leak is another matter. I went for a standard tank in the end and it's not leaking yet, but it is looking a little rusty. Steve
  14. I had originally thought it could be the fuel pump as it's a little bit noisy, but as you say I don't really want to disturb the engine and washers etc. I still have the option of changing the fuel filter, so I'll do that first, then have a think about buying a genuine fuel pump.... Steve
  15. Right I've run a dedicated earth from ECU bolt down point to earth on the battery and removed the split charge relay to give a few more volts (from two batteries), but still it just cranks over with no signs of starting. I'm yet to try a new fuel filter, but surely it cant be injector washers, starting one day and not the next. I thought that would have been a gradual hard to start, cuts out kind of thing? Steve
  16. I thought I recognised it, I remember know, Tim, Si, myself Dan and a few others. That was a good weekend! Steve
  17. Great build and progress! How did you get the pressed in part out of the diff in the end? I've tried with a bit of threaded rod and a slide hammer, but it didn't really work! Steve
  18. Well I plugged the Nancom/Faultmate and it didn't really show anything apart from: Air con Gearbox/ABS Rev counter All which I haven't got! I checked the inputs and found that the pedal was working, showing the correct voltage and check sum. The coolant, air and fuel temp was all working giving a reading. I will change the fuel filter when that arrives to see if that makes any difference. Steve
  19. Yep it can be done, but remember: TD5 Viscous coupling is a normal RIGHT hand thread! Steve
  20. Sorry, I should have said, this is all regarding the mixing up of paints in Halfords! Steve
  21. Hi Mike, Have a look here: http://www.dingocroft.co.uk/acatalog/paint991.htm I think its the 'JUH424' code that Halfords like. They also sell a touch up paint pen which is just a little pot with a little brush in the lid, so that could do for you if you only need a little bit. There also funny about quantities, they can sell you a spray can, but can only sell you a 100ml touch up pot as there are regulations about selling you a 0.5 litre tin of paint, which are: there not allowed! Steve
  22. I've done the purge cycle 3 or 4 times and still doesn't start. There is a gurgling sound, so there maybe air in there somewhere, but how it got there is probably the problem. With respect to the pump speed dropping when the engine is cranked I guess this could be down to the engine taking all the battery power and not due to cylinder pressure travelling up the fuel lines. What are the common failure modes of a fuel pump? Steve
  23. Hi, After finishing all of the roll cage and wings etc. I have been happily driving it for the last 8 months going to work and on long journeys and its started straight up on the first crank no problem. Yesterday I drove it back to my house (4 or 5 miles), it started up fine, drove back, all was fine, but I thought that the fuel pump sounded louder than normal, which at the time, I thought was not good. This morning when I go to work, get in and start it up, it turns over, but doesn't even think about starting. The fuel pump sounds a bit louder than normal, which on here, means its not a good sign and its on its way out. But being a TD5 I can't help thinking about all the other things like the injector washers and fuel pressure regulator etc. There are no external leaks from anywhere, there's a little oil on the ECU plug which I have cleaned and has made no difference and the oil level hasn't increased. It was running fine and now it wont start. What does the panel recommend. I had thought it was the fuel pump and thought it would be an easy fix, but now I'm not so sure. Steve
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