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Everything posted by steve200TDi

  1. I know its a bit off topic, but I recieved my 60th heritage Motor Centre tickets for the Saturday. Anybody going up on the saturday want to form a mini convoy! I see Dan and others are doing the same thing on Fri night! Steve
  2. Hi, My gearbox seems to be leaking where it is sandwiched together, so a new gasket is a major job (I've never taken a gearbox out before!). Any other ideas on how to cure the leak, I spose you could use some sort of sealent. Any ideas? Steve
  3. Thanks for the pics. It seems that I do not have the black metal panel that is sandwiched between the tub and seats. Is this extra panel standard to the XD90? I will have to do a bit of modification! Steve
  4. I now have my seats and have offerered them up in the back. Its interesting that you say that your top mounts are to low because they're ment to fit snug up under the windows in the tub. Whereas my mounts seem to be too high! Does anybody have any pics of there rear seats please? Thanks Steve
  5. Ha, they worked, I forgot to mention the Suzuki on its side! And another getting in a bit deep!
  6. Hi, Another excellant day at bunny lane. The weather was good, i thought it mite chuck it down. Here's a pic of my land rover (notice the new addition of a breather pipes up the snorkel!) Hopefully you will recognise this part of bunny lane. I quite like this slope, but I don't see many other people going up it? Here was someone (sorry, I dont know who you are!) just coming out of the deep water next to those huge embankments I was standing on! Hope these pics work, as this is the first time I've added pics. Steve
  7. Hi all, I managed to get my wading kit installed on friday before it chucked it down and with a bit of hail in the mix as well! Only a week to go!! P.S. The latest Shire mag - a great read! Steve
  8. Hi, sorry this a really old post, but I've just got myself some load area wolf seats and am wondering the same question about fitting them to my 90 (not MOD spec). Does any one have any pics, it does look like the bracket needs some box section to sit on, so I think something will have to be made. Thanks Steve
  9. Anyone have any pics of where the existing breather pipes are routed alongside the gearbox and into the engine bay? Are they only secured at one point? Thanks Steve
  10. Hi, I have now got my nylon pipe and push fit fittings and will be fitting them next weekend. Just had a quick look around the gearbox today so I now what needs to be done next weekend and have a few questions: - Because I'm replacing the whole pipe I need to remove the two from the g'box and t'box. It looks like there are P-clips holding then to the side of the gearbox on the same stud as the transferbox linkage. Can I just loosen the nut and slide them out and the new ones in without disturbing the pivot point? - And are there any other places where they are attached to the engine/g'box as I am only removing the access hole underneath the centre seat. Thanks for your help. Steve
  11. Well, thats definitely an incentive to get my wading kit installed before the 30th! Steve
  12. Hi all, I should be down there, with my wading kit installed! And to explore some more of the site. Steve
  13. Ok, I clamped the flexi pipe and then pressed the clutch pedal - its solid, so I guess the master cylinder is fine. Also, with some help, the flexi pipe is not balloon when you press the clutch pedal. And this weekend I'll have a go at taking the slave out with the pipe still connected. Is the push rod going to be loose when I take it out, is it fixed inside the bell housing - so I cant loose it inside the bell housing!? Is it advisable to take the exhaust sectoin out? Quote from Les' slaver cylinder replacement: "it should have little movement before you feel the system pressurise." Mines definitely not like that, at the mo its over half the way down before you come to pressure! But I still don't see how it can be leaking: - the fluid level is at max - there's no visible signs of leaking, and I took the wading plug out of the bell housing and no fluid leaked out. - no leaks in the footwell. Thanks for you help Steve
  14. Hi, So is it still worth taking the slave cylinder out ot look at it even though it cant be leaking because the clutch fluid level is still at max. Could it be something to do with the gearbox e.g. selectors or syncro-mesh? Steve
  15. Hi, I took it out for a drive on sunday and it seemed a lot better - gear changes were easier and i could find them! But on the way to work this morning I had a few moments when i had trouble finding a gear, but I found one eventually, after declutching a few times. Could it be that selector forks and linkages connected to the gear stick have worn? the clutch if definitely not leaking! Overall I think changing the oil has helped, but it's still not perfect. Any thoughts. Steve
  16. The 30th of March - excellent and my favourite site too - Bunny Lane! (even though thats the only site I've been too!) See you all on the 30th. Steve
  17. Hi, Looks like I wont be joining you all tomorrow as I have a gearbox issue that I'm currently trying to rectify and so I don't feel confident enough to drive all the way down to southampton. Happy Bithday Dave for december, hopefully see you at the next event. When is the next event? Steve
  18. Just an update so far. I changed the oil in the gearbox today. Sure enough when I took the drain plug out it did look like a christmas tree!! But when I took the other plug out with the gauze filter in, it was covered in dirt and muck which I presume were more metal shavings that didn't get picked up by the magnetic plug. Am I right in think that the oil pump draws oil from the gauze filter, so maybe this could be causing a lack of oil to be circulated. Hopefully I'll take it out for a test drive 2mo, if not monday on the way to work and report back. Oh and next time I change the gearbox oil I think I will invest in a weed killer squirty thing! Steve
  19. Thanks for all your help so far. I've had a look around and cannot find any visiable leaks anywhere in the engine bay around the master or on the ground or underneath near the slave. I'm guessing it couldn't be an internal leak which is not visible yet. Oh and I checked the clutch fluid level and it is right up at the filler neck, so no signs of leaking. Could it be that the flexi pipe it perished and ballooning (but there's no sign of a leak!?), would this be worthwhile changing? But I do remember last year when I wanted to check all the levels that I investigated what oil I needed and came to the conclusion that it was EP80/90. I only put a little in to top it up but that may have been enough to make gear selection difficult. I may have found the answer. I think this weekend I may need to do an oil change on the gearbox! Hope it cues it! Thanks Matt for the advice. Steve
  20. Ok, Where is the flexi hose you speak of. Is it just a hose going from the clutch pedal to the clutch in the bell housing. Steve
  21. Hi, This morning on the way to college I experienced trouble changing gear and selecting a gear when I put the clutch down. What would cause this? Is it something to do with the gear selector? Is it worn, needs greasing? At one point sitting in traffic out of gear, when I went to move away I could not select 1st gear and had to push it into a near layby. I had a play trying to select gears and it seemed quite difficult, I managed to select first and moved away. It seemed to be ok changing gear on the move, (but you have to be quite positive otherwise you get a horrible crunching sound) and so I carried on with that method. Any ideas of things to check or replace would be gratefull. Thanks Steve
  22. I'm still a bit concerned with changing it myself. Has anyone had any problems torqueing it up to the said 130Nm, problems with it being too tight or too loose. Does anyone know the part number for the pinion oil seal on 200TDi 1993 defender and any places locally (West Sussex) or websites (i.e. paddocks) to get the seals Is this the correct one? http://www.paddockspares.com/pp/DEFENDER/A...m_VA102733.html Also is the torque setting the same for the pinion nut of the transfer box hand brake end? Thanks for your help Steve
  23. Hi Dave, Where's the fuel tank breather on a defender 90 200TDi? Steve
  24. That's alright! What I did was take the breather pipe off by undoing the banjo connection. Then blow some air down it, using an air compressor or a tyre inflater. if you feel air coming out the other end, then your fine! If not, I guess you could try flushing it out with water or poking some welding rod down the pipe. These are a few ideas that I would use, but I haven't tried either of these as I have not had a blocked breather.... yet! Steve
  25. Thanks for the info Diff. I think I have all the info and resources (spanners, sockets etc) now to complete the job. All I need now is the oil seal and a nice dry weekend to complete the job! Steve
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