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  1. Upon further investigation, i have worked out where the leaks are actually coming from... The top of the stop solenoid The throttle spindle The governer spindle The bleed screw(which is tight) The fuel return line. I think i need a new one...
  2. It is a 1984 2495 N/A Diesel. I have checked the bleed bolt, it didn't appear to be coming from there - I will try the priming pump trick when I get a chance. How similar is the DPA to the DPS? And I am amazed at how quickly this leak has turned from a minor annoyance to a serious leak, is this likely to suggest that the top of the IP is worn?
  3. The 90/110 pump is a DPS. Does anyone here know where i can get a new top for mine, or at least what size the o-ring is for the spindles? I have a serious leak, and am in need of some information before i take the pump apart and disable my car! Many Thanks, Robin
  4. Hi there, new to these forums! Does anyone have any futher information/pictures/places to get parts for this pump? My LR90 has got a major leak from the injection pump and I gotta fix it with minimal funds and space! All help and advice greatly apprechiated. Advice on where the leak is coming from would also be good - the entire pump appears to be covered in diesel. Many Thanks, Robin
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