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Posts posted by Ivan

  1. Nice pics. I rememebr doing that same run when I lived in Adelaide. It was my first experience of sand drivnig and was really fun. Not 100% sure but I think the flag poles are just sand markers. The idea being that when going through the dunes other people can see you coming.


  2. Thanks to all who replied. Problem was the stepper motor. When I took it out I tried to move the littel plunger and it was sticking badly. Gave it a clean up in some brake cleaner and it now moves freely. Car seems to run a bit smoother as well. P*ss*d off the neighbours when I took it for a run down the high street at full throttle. :P

    Thnx for the help and info.


  3. but oddly enough the noise seems to be coming from the gearbox/transfer box area?

    Had a similar thing in my 90 a year ago. I was convinced the clutch was shot due to the noise it kept making when I changed gear. The noise sounded just like it was coming from the belhousing. Turned out to be a duff front UJ. Changed both front UJ's and no more strange noises.



  4. Quick question. My 1991 V8i Discovery starts and runs fine. However, I have not been able to set the tickover rpm correctly. When it first starts it ticks over at about 1100 to 1200 rpm. Once warm it drops to about 750 rpm (which is what it should be). However, after driving for a short while it's back up to 1100 to 1200 rpm. As a quick test I disconnected the plug to the AFM and it did not make any difference at all. Does this mean my AFM is shot ? I have tried adjusting the idle using the alan bolt on top of the lpenum chanber which does drop it a little but I can't get it any lower.



  5. From memory you need to supply an ignition switched 12v feed to one side of the dash light. The other side goes to the alternator. What happens is, when you switch the engine on the wire from the alternaotr provides an earth to the bulb thus illuminating the bulb. When the engine is running the wire from the alternaotr goes to 12v thus putting out the dash light.



  6. This wouldn't happen to be a new Prestolite starter motor would it ? I have just had to replace 2 brand new ones on my 3.5V8i. First one packed up after about 6 weeks, second one only lasted 3 weeks. I have just had a new Bosch one fitted and, hopefully, it will have sorted the problem. My problem started with the starter motor spinning but not engaging the flywheel. Then it would not even spin at all. When I took it back the guy in the parts department told me he had been having trouble with new Prestolite Starter motors.



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