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Everything posted by jai_landrover

  1. Sorry Gearing is Er LT77 LT230 1.002:1 Early RR 3 speed auto transfer box and 4.7 diffs. 36.5/37 inch measured size not the usual undersize tyres you get usually.Gearing is actually now useable low range is far better. Decending chaplegate a few years back on 3.54 diffs it was horrendus to drive down feet off squeezing the brake as and when because I felt it was far too fast. Now its Perrrrfect! When I trialled on std 750 size tyres for the nationals we were climbing steepish loose sand hills we were using 3rd gear low and techy bits were great and 1st was seriously seriously low.
  2. I have purchased a Ashcroft R+P on ebay which was going on my trialler half fitted to a P38 4 pin center but It may end up on my 90. Looking to get ashcroft front shafts and a decent center. For now I have a 10 spline lockright to go in the front which could prove nasty on the road and may well need to be pulled out pretty quickly. We did a winch/challenge mini comp not very serious on mitchelin XL 37 inch tyres big but not the best pattern. Currently running above tyres and Std series III 4.7 10 spline (Black carrier stronger than the red carriers slightly) and stock shafts. I figured I'd give it some stick and we didn't break owt but just waiting for the front to ping. We did ok considering we left early and didn't have my winch working (Spyderman winched me when needed) nor took it too seriously. Spyderman got some pics: Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  3. I have a 4.7:1 Salisbury axle on the back of my 90. It was a 3.54 but I swapped it over because I got a pair of axles for £1 rear being 4.7:1 Salisbury and the front std 10 spline 4.7 weak weak Yuk! I have a detroit fitted and it was cheaper than a new rover one and strong out the box.
  4. Sorry Mo and everyone, I wasn't sure and I deffo can't make it I spunked all my spare money getting to and competing in a local punch/winch comp last weekend. Twas a goodun but skint me out completly! Note to0 self must sell more S/H stuff!!! Plus we have a Halloween party planned for the weekend. Thought I'd better say now can't stand people that don't tell you when they've cancelled. ATB Jai
  5. Myself and SPyderman did Saturday. We had to leave early Spyderman had plans and my winch wasn't working so we called it a day Spyderman 6 punches Jai 7 punchesnot amazing but we did leave early. Will give it more of a good do next time
  6. Red whites all round gets my vots or RRC HD 170Lbs I have them on my 90 currently at the front only winch and tubular bumper and they work well. Rear is currently 2 inch spacers and 130Lbs springs as its been truck cabbed for the nationals earlier this year. will go back to red whites all round +1 or +2 inch rear spacers Procomp +2's and a bit of jiggling ok, well alot of jiggling making the most of the travel available by moving the shock mounts lower once all the bump stops are trimmed to give me no rubbing of my tyres at full compression.
  7. We planned on doing a Wales trip on another Forum however I had man flu and a serious case of toothache and the other guys motors all died around the leaving date so we did Plan B or Z. We ended up in the Fens and it was really nice camping overnight there was soo many lanes its it was unbelievable taking it nice and slow relaxing taking in the views and driving respectfully. Here's a video but it advertises the other forum Mods please Pull it if you think its not appropriate: Jai
  8. If I'm on my own I love 1st gear low just crawling along the sound of your shocks working the soft suspension combined with the views of the country side is great. If we're in a group then it'll be low box 2nd gear half throttle or 3rd low tickover depending on terrain. I hate laning in a group that try and cram as many in as possible and just shoot through the lanes as quickly as possible
  9. 300 has a smaller inlet port well inlet valve deosn't it? I thought to reduce the cracking that the 200's pretty much all suffer from. Thats why they are a bit less fruity well thats what I was led to believe and the reason they run a higher boost to make up for this? Could be wrong
  10. MArk I PM'd you back Sorry its so Late notice. I must setup PM's to come to my inbox.
  11. I have gone 4.7 diffs easily available salisbury rear and rover front with a 1.002:1 transfer box and 37 inch tyres pulls nice and low range is now useable again for decending decent rocks or slopes.
  12. Especially as ascrofts are a 10 minute walk or 2 minute drive away!
  13. I tried to phone them a while back no reply. I emailed and the ysent me the webpage that I'd already looked at! Guess I'll be off to Ashcrofts for a P38 18mm diff center gears and spider. But then again last I heared they were awaiting stock. Arrhhhh!!!!
  14. I have to buy a flange kit from ascroft at some point. I won a pair of used 4.75 CWP's will fit the front to the trialer and keep the rear incase we build an 88 for comp safari rarther than a salisbury.
  15. There was a guy on Ebay tht sold them quite cheaply about 25 quid new spares from the fire departmant/mod but are available on ebay for about £70 often. I brought one along time ago with the intention of buying or building a trailer at some point but its still on the to do list.
  16. Hi There, I dunno if this is the place or if the Mods want to delete or modify please go ahead. I usually frequent other forums more that LR4x4 but I rate it as one of the gooduns about. So a few of us local greenlane offroad guys n gals have been meeting every first Wednesday for a few years now and as per our unwritten constitution we welcome to anyone wanting to come and join in for a chat laugh and occasionally actually get to planning our next months outings and trips away. Well If anyone wants to come and say hello the pub is very welcoming: Every first Wednesday of the month at the White Lion Dunstable: Link to Pub: http://www.whiteliondunstable.co.uk/News_and_Events.html We meet from 7.30pm after work for a chat and giggles. Very informative and relaxing chill out after a days work. I think the pub has its Xmas menu out so we shall be organising (Dangerous word Organising) our annual xmas meal for us and our other halfs. Again if anyone fancies a chant and giggle (much Pee taking) come along everyone welcome.
  17. Also there is a Huge difference between a std Rover item and some replacement items. I had a pair of cheap ones from Paddocks and the yokes have nowhere near the same angle deflection before they bind up compared to the 1966 original propshaft although the UJ's were identical. The yokes were thicker material and not cleaned up after casting. I would take an original item and replace the UJ's over a new £30-£40 propshaft. I'm almost certain that these replacement props are one of the reasons why people slate 2 inch lifts. 2 inch lift combined with ocasional bit of offroad wheel dangling action where the propshaft is on the verge of binding is most probable cause of why some 2 inch lifts wear UJ's out and others do not. Quite often you can see the hammered marks where the yokes bind up offroad while dangling wheels. I have seen several cheap propshafts spat out at comps because full axle droop was not factord in and the propshaft binds up breaks and gets spat out.
  18. My Brother runs his Disco on 235 85 R16 BFG All terrains about 32 inch measured dia (we all know how they differ from advertised 33's actually 31's and 35' are 33's etc) He runs a a 1.208 (I think) Borg Warner Transfer box and I must say the gearing is spot on having deiven it and other disco's and my 90 its great cruises at 65 all day long quite quiet nice. I would measure you actual tyre diameter before swapping and if you still think its sluggish then swop the box. Me I'd never go back. I have run through the minefield of gear ratios. A brief history below. Changed parts bit by bit depending on what parts came up at the right price to work towards final ideal ratio because of available cash buying a house etc so no real spare cash to buy what I needed. Firstly I had tal 750's with a 2.5na, very revy, Rover rear axle, Tall 750's with a 200tdi 1.4 very revy, Rover Rear axle Tall 750's with a disco 1.22 tranny box about right, Salisbury ~Cheap strength. 37 inch with a disco 1.22 tranny box well overgeared especially low range, Salisbury axle cheap strength, Decending Chaplegate low range was far too fast to be nice. I needed a lower low ratio I opted for 4.7 diffs to cure this being available cheap and having stuff kicking about helped no end aswell as an ebay purchase 2 axles for £1 salisbury rear Genuine 4.7:1 and front axle complete. 4.7 diffs Salisbury rear 1.22 tranny box far too revvy again When I put on the 33 inch tyres for a couple of local trialling comps 5 mile away I was sitting at 40mph because it was reving so hard and sounded horrendus above 45mph. Low range was great takes a bit of getting used to tho using 3rd gear to do some serious hill climbs! Now I managed to get a RR 3spd auto box and transfer box 1:003:1 at a reasonable price £50 but it was in Cornwall so Friday after work I take the mrs down to a travel lodge rock up at midnight and get up at 5.30 to hoof the box in the back of the car. The end result is lovley the gearing is spot on. my 90 is mainly std no sound proofing or much else and its not horrendus its not too bad at 75mph. Likewise 1st gear is fine for towing the sankey full of rubble. I'm quite happy with the end result. The only advice I can offer you is get it how you like it there is no correct ratio its whatever you feel is best and returns th efuel economy that you are happy with and expect.
  19. If you think your Disco is bad Try 37 inch tyres Disco transfer box and towing an loaded up Arrows trailer. Not fun! I now have my gearing now sorted because low range was carp decending any half decent decents. 1.003:1 transfer box and 4.7 diffs. A Disco with 33's should be about right to be honest.
  20. I had issues similar to the above but no noise or rattling. My oil light would flicker at tickover or when pulling away at lights typical low oil pressure problem. I removed the pressure switch and replaced it. Before throwing the old one away I cut it in 2 and the diaphram was split giving false readings. So far so good.
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