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Posts posted by Cat_J

  1. Its all good you?

    Landy is in its new workshop new chassis all rolling with engine. Need to spray the body but I got into mountain biking and spent all other free time last summer building the new workshop. Also work long hours in the winter so hoping to make a big push on it this summer, have probably spent more time moving it around.

    I have found that many of the common wires use the same colours. Once I go through it all properly wire by wire i'll have a better idea how its done. I'm building it as a sealed harness so its a bit of a prototype which i'll use for my own.

  2. Thanks, I probably wont use the diagrams much for the engine as they are painful all broken up like that however the detail of the information on some of those pages is great which makes if much easier to understand whats going on.

    I think for the most part I'd like to just start from scratch design everything that's necessary then add in everything else. I build wiring harnesses anyway but have just never had to design one myself before.

  3. Hi all,

    I'm about to start building a harness for a friends Defender. Its a new build from scratch with a new chassis, its got a disco V8, and Puma instruments (guts replaced with TD5 gauges to avoid ECU.) He actually managed to get a Puma bulkhead for £350+vat direct from LR so using that rather than a galv repaired one.

    Anyway none of that is really my problem (thankfully!) but he's given me the main harness from a TD5, and the engine harness from the dicso V8. I'm going to start totally from scratch but need to get pin outs for the relays/ignition etc. Where would be the best place to find such information.


  4. Hi all,

    I'm starting work on my new wiring harness soon but have spotted a strange circuit (or lack of) in the main wiring diagram. The engine is a 200TDI and I'm referring to the 2.5 litre diesel wiring diagram. I see that 79 is the oil pressure sensor and 69 the guage which is fine, all the ciruits to them make sence. But then I noticed 53 and 38 which are oil pressure sensor (again) and oil pressure warning light, this has an earth after the sensor and appears to connect to a dotted line only, at the other end.

    So the dotted line has me confused, i'm not actually sure what its supposed to denote. I thought at first it was superficial and just grouped the warning lights together but this is the only possible +ve for that light so it must have some purpose. Also this makes me think there are 2 pressure sensors becuase one is labelled 79 and the other 53 but I only know of the one in the filter housing.

    I have a lot of experience actually building wiring harnesses as its my job, but none designing one from original ciruitory. Most of it seems pretty straignt forward as you would expect on a defender but i'm a bit lost with this bit. any help would be appreciated, i'm sure there are many here who have done this before.


    EDIT: Actually the other thing that made me thing there are two pressure sensors is the fact that the oil pressure indicator one must be variable whereas I would think the one for the warning light would have to be a cut off switch at a certain pressure. Unless the light attached the the guage or something.

  5. Hi,

    I haven't posted on here for a while but I still come by and read the posts.

    I'm gathering funds together for a new mountain bike build and thought maybe this would be a good idea. Knowing how crappy all the plastic is on land rover dashes I thought replacing some of the bits that frequently break with carbon fiber would be a good way to go. I have a few off cuts of some pretty high quality carbon (aerospace grade I believe) left over from another project so if anybody would like a piece cut I would be happy to do it for a few quid.

    So anything like the fog switch surround, clock surround, custom switch panel, whatever really anything flat I can do. I'd even have a go at making a box too but no promises there!

    I'm not looking to make a fortune and would never rip off a fellow land roverer but if I can make someone something nice and earn a few quid in the process then happy days.

    I actually build wiring harnesses for F1 cars now, but knowing what land rover wiring is like I'm a little dubious about offering those kind of services on here :wacko:

    It feels good to be posting again... Even if I am trying to sell myself

  6. I had the props off again the other day and wiggled turned and listened and nothing. It sounds fine.

    I then drove up Sani Pass in South Africa and used low range most of the way with no diff lock. There were plenty of areas at the top on snow and ice where wheels were spinning and i resisted the use of the difflock to make sure the centre diff was getting used. Nothing rattled or broke except the top ring of my Bilstein rear shock decided to unscrew for some strange reason. A bit of epoxy and screwing back on and its fine.... So what to do now. Ignore it and drink beer and has been suggested by the renagade Eightpot or panic and get it rebuild as would be my normal choice. I think a beer is called for.......decide after i've drunk ten of them.

    In this case I suppose you could do both, and cure the panic with beer. Either way you'll probably be fine and might regret taking it apart if you did.

  7. Got it all together this evening. Not sure why I didn't think of jacking the axle as thats what I was doing for the rest of the suspention. Anyway, picture


    Does anyone think it looks too tight? I did it up quite tight at first then loosened it a little as it will have a split pin and I didn't want to damage it.

  8. Hi,

    Looking for a part number for the bracket that secures the rear brake line tee piece to the axle. Its for a 90 1991 I have NRC8024 but that came from my parts cat which is for a 110 and I'm not conveinced its the same part looking at some parts site descriptions which only list the 110.

    Any help would be much appreciated as ths is the the only thing holding me back from finishing my brakes.

    Thanks Y'all

  9. Hi Yall

    So I've got most of my wiring back together (also I left it all sitting over winter and a bird built a nest in the dash, incorporating the wiring loom :blink: ) Unfortunatly I wasn't the one to pull all the wires off the ignition barrell and have no idea which way round they re attach to the 5 pins. Looks like the original wires so colours should be correct.

    Anyone have a diagram or some good wisdom?


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