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Posts posted by Cat_J

  1. What do we think of this?


    I know, I use ebay too much. I'm not made of money but a good generator would probably be useful. The 3kW one I am borrowing from my old boss. I might be able to use the power at the farm but then again I might not and the farmers been so good to me the amount of money I would feel obliged to keep giving him for electricity would probably cost me a fortune anyway. I just don't see that I'll need a 6kW generator after this is done, or maybe I will... Its a hard call to make when most of the money I have is going into parts.

  2. I have the 180 amp version of that and it is a nice little machine for the price. Mine is Gas/gasless - so you have the option of both - looks very similar in setup to the ebay one above, so i think that might be able to do both as well. I think Les has done a write up of my 180 amp version in the tech archive.

    In some tech spec I found for it it says you can change polarity so I assume it runs gasless too.

  3. I wont be learning on the outrigger don't worry :P Got lots more to do first before I get to that so some time to learn. Can I weld it with the bulkhead on by supporting it with a jack/alex stand. The bulkhead is very good and through this whole rebuild my plan was always to leave it on so I didn't have to mess with the brakes and clutch at all.

    If I have to take it off then I have to do it but I was really trying to avoid it, but not bodge at the same time, maybe two things that just don't go together.

  4. Hi all,

    Looks like I'm going to have to learn to weld, something I've been meaning to do for some time now anyway. I've got to replace the o/s bulkhead outrigger on my 90 as it has a rather large hole in the top of it.

    Can anybody recommend a good welder thats up to the job, good brand etc but not silly money as it'll be my learning one. Also a good mask to wear too, I'm fine for the rest of the safety kit.

    Also has anyone got any good advice/methods of actually doing the job. How do I make sure its perfectly in position?

    Fairly basic questions I'm sure but I'm a fast learner.

    Your advice is much appreciated as usual.


  5. Ive got a good makita grinder so that shouldn't burn out... I'm not new to grinding as such, cut a fair bit of metal before and hundreds of tiles so I know how they can kick, and fire in your eyes isnt fun. Haven't had to rub anything down with one before.

    I've bought one of those brushes for it, got a good high speed one today. I've also bought an orbital sander. I'll do most of it with the orbital sander and use the brush and grinder to clean the wax oil off and the worst bits of rust.

    As far as safety kit goes ive got most of it apart from the apron.

    I've also got 2 of the abrasive flappy blade things but i'll only use them where i cant reach with other tools, and with care.

    Thanks for all the useful replys, all cautions have been noted. I think i'll get some better gloves before i start.

  6. I am sanding my chassis to bare metal for a repaint. I only have at my disposal a 2.5kW generator, a grinder and electric drill. I don't mind sanding by hand but can you get brushes or sanding discs for grinders, as that would make my life much easier.

    Sorry for the silly question, but you know, we all have to learn...


  7. I agree also with the young drivers comment, being one myself it makes me more angry than most as I'm paying the insurance premiums as well has having to observe these morons on the roads. With my defender being my first car I had to assume some sort of responsible attitude towards driving as my car would surely kill anything it hit.

    I must admit though, while the defenders in the barn, it is nice to have a car thats faster than most the boy racers.

    I wish there were more cops around who would/could just pull over all tailgaters, give them 3 points and £100 fine per offence. That would be much better.

    Like the sign linky... lol

  8. I was on a west highland ferry with my 110, and as the boat rocked to and fro in a pretty heavy sea so my landy rocked to and fro also. The driver of the new Audi in front of me got out and started shouting at me to get my effing handbrake on so I wound the window down and tried to explain about the transmission brake but he was having none of it, and as he started another salvo of shouting we hit a particularly steep wall of water and I could see behind the guy what was about to happen so quickly wound the window back up just as the 100 gallons of cold seawater hit us, and my assailant who was clad only in a shirt, soaking him from head to foot. I smiled sweetly through the (closed) window and just shrugged sympathetically.

    Lol, he had what was coming to him. Incidentally, I got into an argument in a discovery driver while I was driving my vectra for work. They were tailgating me badly. I tried to explain to them as the owner of a land rover they have a certain responsibly to realise that my vectras brakes are twice as sharp as theirs (disco 1) and their car would do me some serious damage if I had to stop quickly but they didn't get it. But them some people (like the guy in the audi) are just ignorant.

  9. Hi guys,

    The defender is still off the road but now the weather is slightly better i can actually bring myself to leave my warm house and work on it.

    One of reasons it was never going to pass an MOT was because the steering box is leaking through the usual place.

    I've been through this thread and know how to remove and replace it: http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=16765&view=&hl=steering%20box&fromsearch=1 But would like to know whats involved in overhauling it myself, or if just getting a replacement recon one would be better. Would it just be a case of replacing the seals or is there more to it?The steering was pretty loose too.


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