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Everything posted by allegedly

  1. Hi Rich. Does it feel as though it was shaking itself apart suddenly with strong vibration and not really responding to the steering inputs when you hit sixty-ish? My first D1 did that and I was lucky to cure it with a new steering damper. It even happened at speed if I hit a pothole. I was initially advised it was probably the shims in the front wheel hubs but I tried the cheap and easy fix first. Good luck Cheers Rob
  2. Hi Rob, If memory serves, there's a good piece on this in the Tech section, I used it myself a while back. Cheers Rob
  3. Hi sas. I recently changed out the regulator on my offside front on my D1. It didn't come with a new lifting strip, the rubber lined slot the bottom of the window glass sits in so I reused the old, fairly corroded one. Few days later, I tried to close it and it just stayed down. I took the door trim off (again!) and found it had come out and the action of repeatedly trying to close it had also bent the (new)reg arms. I was so pleased I invented a few new words. Took the reg out and 'massaged' the arms straight again then ran a generous bead of bathroom silicone sealant inside the 'tray/slot' of the lifting strip. I then did the same in the rubber liner and carefully sat the window base in the rubber/silicone and waited for the silicone to go off. So far, several weeks later, it still works fine so I may have cured the problem. I'm pleased to say the silicone tip was got from this site, as usual, great info from the guys. Hope this helps, be good if its that easy, eh?!!
  4. Hi guys, just a quickie to pick your brains. Water pump went today, pulley wobbling about and threw off belt. Checked out Paddocks and they do both types. I read the Tech section on fitting and noted the possible probs with patterned parts. Question. Is that the norm with that type of component? Used patterned on other stuff with no probs but if fit is paramount and they're notoriously a poor fit, OE sounds the sensible way to go. Hate to sound like a cheapskate as the difference is only a tenner but......a tenner is a tenner, or a tube of Tiger mastic etc. Any guidance welcome Cheers Rob
  5. Don't normally do this sort of thing but I just wanted to say to any members in Italy how sad it was to see the TV footage of the quake in your lovely country and to hear of the lives lost. One point that caught my eye, among the wreckage that was peoples homes, was the preponderance of Land Rover emergency vehicles. Glad to see the marque out there helping. Rob
  6. Agreed bobtail. That was the first reg I'd ever done and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was. Bit miffed about the lifter fixer strip part failing after I'd fit the reg but not phased by it as I now know how straight forward it is.......you watch, now I've said that it'll be a bugger!! I've asked Tony if I can add some pics to the post on the window reg replacement in the tech section for novices like me, basic stuff that I had to find out by doing. May make it easier for someone else or let 'em see it's not difficult as a DIYer. I'll leave that until I've replace the lifter fixing strip and add that in too.
  7. Brilliant cipx2! Just what I needed and bloody quick too!! Just goes to show it pays to ask as I thought I'd looked at everything!
  8. Hi guys. I'm going to post this on the Request for Part Number section too but I wondered where I can source the metal and rubber base, sort of a carrier or long narrow rubber lined tray, on the window that screws on to the sliding bar on regulator arms? I replaced the regulator and a new one didn't come with that, understandably, but the original is badly corroded. I've heard that its bonded to the window and isn't available seperately but this doesn't make sense though I'm happy to be enlightened. Well, maybe not happy if it means buying a window just to renew it!! I've had a good look through the site and haven't spotted any threads that may include/mention it and I've had a look at the usual suppliers sites and same again. Not knowing its correct name isn't helping! Cheers Rob
  9. Hi guys. I'm going to post this on the help section too but I wondered if there's a part number for the metal and rubber base, sort of a carrier or long narrow rubber lined tray, on the window that screws on to the regulator arms? I replaced the regulator and a new one didn't come with that, understandable, but the original is badly corroded. I've heard that its bonded to the window and isn't available seperately but this doesn't make sense though I'm happy to be enlightened. Well, maybe not happy if it means buying a window just to renew it!!
  10. Thanks stageone! Yes, now you say it, it certainly looks like thats how its done. Bloody odd but as you say, its a Landy at the end of the day....what did I expect!! You don't know about the tray/window thing do you?!!!
  11. Thanks for the replies guys. Not been on for a bit so sorry slow in coming back. D1 teabag. The catch itself isn't broken, just knocked loose. The old adhesive looks like it sort of snapped, the residue is still in the slots in the catch and on the inside top of the box itself. I'll experiment with some glues and see what works. Only awkward bit will be aligning it up with the catch on the lid. Mean while, back to trying to source the metal and rubber 'tray' like component the front offside window sits in and is screwed to the arms on the reg! Changed the reg and now it window wont stay in the 'tray' thing, pops out when I open the window. I was told they're normally bonded to the window itself. Bugger if they are!!
  12. Hi Pete. Silly question but have you offered them up yet? I bought a nice set of Rangy wheels (P38) for my Disco a while back and when I got home home they didn't fit. The bolts didn't line up!! Brighton to Birmingham is a long way to go to get some expensive part worn tires.......
  13. Hello all. Okay, this is an odd one I know, but I've not seen it mentioned anywhere else so I'm throwing it open for suggestions! After being woken late one night to pick up herself from a girls do that the Taxis avoided, I slammed the glovebox closed after checking the torch etc was in there, (I live in the sticks) and it bounced open. The catch fitted to the inside top of the 'box' had broken off. The part that holds the little light as well. Question: How do you stick 'em back on? Is there a specific adhesive or just get some two pot epoxy resin? I know this isn't terribly technical but my trusty folded envelope wedge is now failing annoyingly often and it drops open at night and the little bulb is brighter than the two big ones outside!!
  14. Just taking time out from putting in a new front window regulator to wish everyone a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year! Cheers Rob
  15. Wishing all a Merry, cheap to repair, Xmas and a Happy, easy to repair, New Year to all!! While I'm here, does anyone know the part number for, and any recommendations for sourcing, the hinged Check Stay assembly (stops the door swinging fully open) mounted on the bottom of the rear door and step? And what holds it on, some kind of circlip? Mines done a runner! Thanks in advance, Rob
  16. Hi Joe, If thats your Disco in the pic then its not the TD5, think thats the 200 isn't it? My last one didn't have ABS so thats one less potential problem solved! There's an excellent post on the tech section, under 'How to' by Les. telling you (with great pics) how to do this job. Its on a front wheel but except for the odd bit, like the swivel bolts, its more or less the same. Did mine a short while ago, missed it and got a MOT fail so found the post and sorted. Good advice on the hub spanner and ensure you've got plenty of the right grease for the bearings. I'm sure you've already down loaded the Landrover Disco Manual off here so check out the part numbs for the replacement gasket/seals at the same time, they're pennies as is the replacement locking washer. If you've not got the right tool to tap in the seal....be careful! And make sure it goes in the right way round too! You can use tie wraps onto the spring to hold the caliper clear but I used an old welding rod. Take care not to crimp the brake pipe. On that note, a brake pipe flaring tool, while not cheap is a good buy and you've got it forever then. I got all the bits on line but I live in the middle of nowhere so used to the wait. Like you, I'm a relative beginner but with the good advice from the members on here most things are 'do able' to the novice!! Cheers and good luck Rob
  17. Thanks Andy. Sorry been a while responding but been away. So, once I've fitted the new spotlights in the bathroom, sorted the new loo and cleared the rubble from the back yard I can relax and do the Disco door!! Good link to the Aussie site but can't open the Discoweb one. They still about? My own link to them doesn't work either. Cheers Rob
  18. Thanks Andy, excellent post. I'm just trawling through looking for pics of an earlier model, 300, after a rather loud 'clunk' sounded in my door on the M6 yesterday and while passing Loch Lomond the glass dropped into the door!! Due to a bit of experience with these beasts, I dont go anywhere without even a rudimentary kit and I was able to pull it up and jam it..got me home dry and winsome if not windswept!! I'm going to continue my search but if anyone can point me in the right direction or a link, cheers!! regards Rob
  19. Hi Tomas. Good advice there, particularly the links from Nige. As you've probably seen, they're excellent step by step pics. I recently did all of mine and they made it a lot easier than it could have been! There's a very good LR Disco manual available on here in the tech section showing all the parts they should have, (turned out mine was missing various gasket/seals.) I got all the parts needed on line, fairly cheap. I got spare hub rear grease seals as they looked as though I could knacker at least one fitting them! And the locking washers cost about 50p. Tips? Well, new to this but I found the two retaining bolts on the caliper tighter than a tight thing and easy to round off. After cleaning the heads as best I could with a wire brush, I applied a little heat and loads of easing oil (WD40 etc). I also found the size quoted in the manual was not the same as the actual bolts fitted (there's more than one size apparently) and a very tight fit multi splined 3/4 drive socket is a must. Stating the obvious I know but I mean a 'kin tight fit! I used a bar as I had to tap it with a mallet to free em off. Another good tip mentioned on here and in the tech section is to put the wheel on the floor, upside down and place the hub with the disc still attached in it with the studs through the holes and spin a couple of wheel nuts back on. This made freeing off the bolts holding the disc to the hub much easier, as did application of heat and copious WD. Once they're off, I stood the disc (new discs to go on so I wasn't concerned at their condition.) in the vice and sprayed WD on the join then had to use brute force and a big hammer on one of them,it was harder than coming between me and my beer, the other came off with a few taps. Maybe a false economy but the bearings seemed ok so I cleaned them up and re packed with grease. I went to a lot of trouble to really pack it in and made sure there was loads everywhere else, as shown in the links. Time will tell! Should you decide to rebuild your calipers, there's an excellent post on here on how to do it. I even posted a few pics of mine when I took 'em off, barely recognisable as calipers! Good luck mate
  20. Welcome from a fellow newbie, Andy. You're right, there's a lot of friendly, knowledgeable people on here, and I know, I've used advice from most of 'em! Rob
  21. Thanks jasp and jim. Yes, very much the novice on cars so been a steep learning curve (wearing fecking crampons in the workshop!), even if pretty basic stuff for a lot of the guys on here. And as for helping a bit, thats like saying the popes a bit of a catholic! Great site and knowledgeable, friendly members. I washed the greasy fingerprints off the front wings and bonnet, got carried away and waxed 'em and, bloody hell, its shiny! Might do the rest and get mistaken for a tourist!
  22. Thanks guys, raises a few questions! Landyman, yes, I fell foul of that once before, I bought a set of nearly new tires on nice allys off a guy with a P38 (very,very good price and worth the drive Brighton to Birmingham!) and when I went to fit them to my previous Disco 1....oops, with more than a few swear words thrown in! Ended up doing a refurb on the original, very tatty, wheels (they looked new almost two years later(!) and the secret is clearly in the number of paint/lacquer layers) and swopping tires. Western, thanks, that fills in a knowledge gap (novice here! and viewing the 90 properly this week prior to the bid). Didn't think it'd weigh more than a Disco though! Still doing the reseach. SMO, I'll start checking the web, not familiar with the type but thanks. SteveG, cheers mate, I'm not sure how big I want it to go, just yet, I think I'll trawl the site and see what you other guys have done and weigh up what I want to do with the 90 and choose the level of mods against my lack of knowledge!! (but tempered with my willingness to learn and this is definitely the place!) Cheers Rob
  23. Hi python, thanks mate. I'm afraid you can't drive it anymore to the best of my knowledge but at the end, for the last couple of miles,there's a logging track parallel to it slightly further up the hill, to the north, on the west face of Mullach nan Coirean (this hill backs on to Cow Hill!! ) The snow is just going off the Ben with the good weather we've had and the Six Day Trials have gone well (bikers everywhere and full pubs!). Afer living and working all over the world but based in the south of England, near Brighton, for so long, it's great. What is it they say, Eskimos have 20 words(?) for snow.....well, here there's 30 words for different colours of green and a 100 for types of rain!! As you probably know, you dont have to go off road here to enjoy it, the Ardnamurchan pennisula is great too, you can drive miles on single track,dodging the sheep, and not see a house, let alone people, for hours. Just remember the Skin So Soft for the midges!! Cheers Rob
  24. Thanks Alex. The pic was taken today at Blarmachfoldach, (pronounced Bla mah fol cha ), about a hundred meters above the end of the West Highland Way, the footpath from Glasgow to Fort William, I could see very tired looking walkers just below me as I leant back and enjoyed a cuppa! This is the back of the hill I live on but I'm at the front, overlooking the Loch. Great having the Disco back on the road, it's been weeks! If ever there was an incentive not to drink and drive and risk losing it, it's not having your car for a few weeks! Talked last night with my friend in Rathmullen (by coincidence) and I understand you've been having the same great weather we've been experiencing. Just hope this isn't our summer! If you're this way stop in for a brew, Cheers Rob
  25. Hi all. I've got the chance to buy a 90, on a 'T' plate, in good nick at a good price. I was wondering if there's more to swapping the wheels/tyres to something like the allys on my Disco. I've seen plenty of 90's with ally wheels and bigger tyres and like the look but dont know if its as simple as one off, one on, so to speak. I've looked through the various tech forums but haven't seen a mention of an 'upgrade/swap'. Any info welcom. Cheers Rob
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