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Philip Tonkin

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Everything posted by Philip Tonkin

  1. Dastek are a really well respected company. I know of a few people who have used there chips on VW. There power output claims have always been a little optimistic though. I don't know if re-branding them is to bring more kudos to Terrafirma rather than the product i.e. they take the credit for a quality product which leads to better sales of all of their other products. They seem to have sprung up out of nowhere and all of their stuff looks pretty good. I am sure these plugs are alot more complicated than some of the resistor in a box items on the market but I am still going for the proper remap approach (@IRB) myself, all a plug in box can ever do is trick an ECU into thinking something else is happening. The only exception to this are the very latest which are really just slaves to load onto the ECU different fuel maps.
  2. Just a thought but don't you think it's a little ironic; The same forum where the slightest irregularity in the registration of a vehicle creates a bombardment of emails to the DVLA and endless threads about SVA, followed by debate about the difference between a rebuild and a VIN swap. But post a link to a piece of pirate software and everyone is happy to download. Honest I'm not just bitter because it doesn't work on a mac. I have work with a company which supplies software very like this (not Microcat) these companies are not huge and I am sure LR has paid them for the work done but that isn't the point really.
  3. And it isn't covered by the scheme which only covers cars made before 1999. Which means an old banger from 2001 is worth less than a well maintained car from 1998
  4. No thread on fitting them, loads asking questions. Please try to document the fitting if you for the tech archive. I am about to do the same with my P&P bulkhead bar.
  5. I noticed the JE Zulu has an MG ZR wheel. Got one in my garage too
  6. Have a look on the locostbuilders forum. Specifically look in the Luego section as a guy on there has built a Viento with a viper engine in it. A Viento is a lot wider which makes it alot easier but the principles will be the same. It will likely lift one of the front wheels every time you rev it and twist the chassis. That aside a car like that isn't meant to have that much weight in the front so traction will be a bit tricky. Good luck
  7. Is that because of how it mounts to the door, because they assume you have a tailgate or because the tub alone doesn't take the weight. I suspect it is the first. If you have a cut down 2002 spec door (or copy the wheel mount points) I can't see why it wouldn't work.
  8. Sorry, I didn't get a chance over the last few days. Should get a chance tomorrow as I need some new tyres anyway.
  9. Has anyone heard from Porny recently. I haven't seen a post for weeks.
  10. I'll nip in tomorrow and get a price from Silverline. I will find out a weight too.
  11. Twisted do an exhaust which exits in front of the rear wheel arch. For a remap though I would avoid plug in modules although for the tdci some of the plugins load a new map onto the ecu rather than frig the inputs. Try BAS for remapping options.
  12. I'd rather have the Mule! Might be a Dutch company but I hazard a guess it's body is made not far from Solihull..
  13. BAS are doing it right now with a TDV8.
  14. I have been thinking about this for some time. Using a 90 tub with a new chassis or a Sankey. How about this Hi Cap example
  15. Maybe people think it is Anika Rice and think your after some free swag so look the other way..
  16. Mines broken then. This is the second defender I have had with a wiper and neither blade would park, I assumed this was the norm :-)
  17. Thanks, My rotary switch doesn't seem to park my wiper anyway, it just stops wherever I switch it off. I have just got used to it that way!
  18. I am always amazed at the look I get from surprised series drivers when I wave at them. Warwick has a lot of defenders, loads of challenge trucks on weekends, loads of factory spec 110's running kids to Warwick school (who never wave), used to see the JE defender demonstrator on that school run on most days.
  19. I had no idea they were so restrictive. I have always wondered why the the spare wing top vent isn't used of the engine intake.
  20. Any chance you could take a picture of how you wired it up as I am planning on doing the same. Is the final "on" momentary?
  21. The only supplier I know of is Rakeway. http://www.rakeway.com/flywheels%20clutch.htm Never tried one but I don't think it will help with clutch wear. Maybe you need a bottle of mechanical empathy.
  22. Nice work, I have been following the progress of your landy on this forum for a little while now. It's great to see it break the 200bhp mark. I will be booking my car in with IRB very soon for a similar treatment I hope. P
  23. It would not be possible to wire them in parallel. The resistance of the second potentiometer would affect the resistance of the first 1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2 where R1 is the existing thotle pot and Rt is what the ECU is expecting to see. To make it work 1/R2 would need to be zero. edit: you could use a second with a double throw switch but never the 2 at the same time.
  24. I have never seen the Rimmer Bros one, but as you say it is tubular the design of these varies. The Protection and Performance ones require the roof to be removed as the vertical bars that it bolts to are secured through the tub cappings. I have one of these but no fitted it yet The North Off road one bolts thought a section of the bulkhead left behind at either side near the seatbelt mounts. Here are some pics.
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