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Everything posted by rusty_wingnut

  1. To me that looks like normal wear. I would suggest leave it be
  2. This explains why I never got my warm up valve working right!
  3. Well I tell you what I wouldn't bother with Island 4x4 - very bad customer service
  4. Not always! I did buy some Britpart light surrounds, and they were good *shock mode*
  5. Indeed it was, I found the timing to far advanced, so adjusted the trim angle by a guess to start with and it started. A few more adjustments and I have the timing as er the manual and rock steady. Very pleasing. Now to try a map similar to the distributor curve specified for BMC special tune.
  6. Started to use Island 4x4 as you know what you are getting and the price is good.
  7. Well I have an update and a question. I tried to start the car today and was not successful, well sort of! With the Saw wire connected nothing Was happening bar a few backfires, but with Saw disconnected and running in Edis limp mode it fired straight away and ran lovely! So I can deduce I am missing something inside megasquirt. I have changed the spark map for one a little more specific for the MG, I have set MS for 4 cylinders. As said I have the trigger wheel set 90 degrees behind the missing tooth. So can anyone suggest any settings I may have missed? I've read some of the megamanual but not found anything apart from discussion on trigger angles, however these settings cannot be changed in my MS for some reason?
  8. Without trying to sound like the eternal know all, but why on earth would you buy these sort of gimmick tools you find on these stands at just about every show? Unless it appears in some sort of reputable shop then I don't touch it. It's a bit like buying Britparts out of the back of a yellow van at Peckham market.....
  9. Think I am going to need a new axle to radius arm bracket to replace the one with worn holes on my 90. Is there a good place to purchase such an item? Stupidly I threw away all my old axle cases
  10. Right top tip from me, smear the points in fairy liquid and they press right in. No need to heat them or cut them about.
  11. I know, and my motor didn't end up on it's roof
  12. This is the very reason my passenger footwell keeps filling up!
  13. Well I had one of them and was leaning against it and feeding the lip with a screwdriver with no luck - guess I'm just weedy I shall try warming them
  14. Now here's an embarassing question, If I managed to make the error of connecting the warning light wire to the injector solenoid rather than the pressure switch, then tried starting and realised my error, so switched the wires around (so warning light wire back on sensor and injector solenoid wire on the injector solenoid) and now the truck starts etc but the warning light is not working, where should I look for the problem?
  15. Those nightmare buffers that go into the bulkhead, does anyone have any good tips on fitting them?
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