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Everything posted by rusty_wingnut

  1. Right, I went back through some basics like trigger wheel, coil wiring and leaks etc - nothing untoward was found so fired it up and put on the logging feature in megatune, providing you helpful chaps with this lovely log file, the coolant rises nicely, but the rpm and MAT are a bit allover the place. The coil I ordered from Mondeo parts arrived and turns out to be a more modern type with different fittings for the leads - so haven't be able to try that. I have swapped the FP regulator as well, she doesn't seem any different.
  2. is the intermittent electrical fault the immobiliser problem? Where the engine shuts off as though the ignition has been turned off. Safe trip mate!
  3. Thinking about this today I have remembered something else that I thought was a bit odd. On the bottom of Megatune with the engine running the F.Idle box flicks off and on and not all the green lights (circles things) appear to be on.....
  4. I'm using lambdas supplied by Nige The fuel pump is the standard 3.9 Disco one fitted into a 90 tank as per Nige's build. The regulator is something I have a spare of and will try that as well.
  5. Because they haven't made a good one since 1958
  6. Poor Nige, I've hassled the bloke to the point where he should be telling me to do one. I'll try your list Bowie, having ordered a coil pack. The timing gun has been on it and it looked fine firing at around 6* BTDC, but I will check again
  7. Gents I am at a loss with this and don't know what is wrong with it. I will pay handsomely for someone to take a look if anyone is interested?
  8. check your injection timing is absolutely cock on before even stripping.
  9. So I changed back to Nige's settings and turned the EGO correction up to 70% control. It found a good idle and didn't hunt about as much. After another start the right hand cat was glowing hot, hinting at a missfire, all sparks are present though. I'm at a bit of loss as it doesn't miss and then sometimes it does.
  10. Should of stated the 90 is 1996, and the 3.9 came from a 1996 Discovery, with Cats - so the downpipes and Y piece were fitted, and linked into the rest of the diesel system. The test was performed at 2000rpm. The AFR gauge spins clockwise reading anything upto the maximum of 28, that would be a lean mixture, would it not? I will change the REQ FUEL back to 20 to match Nige's original map. Then turn on EGO correction and see what happens. Only onething did cross my mind this morning and that was the fuel pressure regulator - the only part of the fuel system I haven't changed.
  11. Cheers FF! I now have stumbled on another problem that has me stumped big time. The Lambda is wired in and reading when the vehicle is running. I took the vehicle for test and it failed I adjusted the REQ FUEL to get the hydrocarbons test, but the O2 reading in the exhaust is to high. So I took the 90 home and checked a couple of joints, found a couple of minor leaks that were cured by nipping the flanges up properly. The exhaust is now 100% air tight and with no noticeable blows. SO I took the truck back to the test centre only to be told the reading is the same :( At this point a typical MOT inspector/expert came over and gave me a right earful on how it wasn't running on all 8, I've fitted new plugs and leads since the first test and all 8 sparks are there and present. I found what I thought was a dodgy injector where number 8 plug was lightly wet but not as coloured as all the others, so replaced that injector. My system is wired so that two injectors are powered by the same wire and earthed as a pair, so if one plug was different there should be a second if it was a wiring fault Frankly I am stumped, and it's getting depressing I have got some video of the truck running. The exhaust is the standard 3.9 Y pipe with cats, into 300tdi mid box and a simple straight pipe after. If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them, I found the reading on AF ratio gauge inmegatune a bit weird as well, sitting around 15 after a blast, and then opening the throttle it spins around to maximum and goes red :S I've done a compression test and have 165 within plus or minu 10% on every cylinder. Help
  12. I have a 300tdi auto backplate and a few of the bits posted earlier, including the flexplate - going cheapy if needed.
  13. I'm running captive QT style mounts but they're my own design and use the bigger front hockey stick bush. Vibration is good and it's less tartly than the tdi.
  14. First off as a complete megasquirt novice and going on two weeks worth of reading Nige's original build thread, I took the plunge, fitted a 3.9 V8 to my 90, and bought one of Nige's kits. It hasn't been all plain sailing, not becuase of Nige's kit but because of me, so big thanks to Nige and Fridge who not only asnwered a shed load of daft questions and wasted hours helping me, even rushing around to repair the ECU after I let some smoke out. Cheers guys. A minor thanks to my mate Jon, who gave me some excellent excuses to lose my licence by lending me his Impreza while I got the 90 working! I feel it is time to fly Nige's megasquirt nest and reveal myself as a public squirter, and as a result have a couple of questions for the floor. 1) I have just been for MOT and have had some big problems with missing and a very hot lhs cat. I think I may have qured this by making my plug leads properly! I have managed to remove the Ford plug connecters and fit them to new leads and the new coil connectors supplied by Nige. I do however wish to know where to find the "REQ FUEL" value in Megatune so I can turn her down a bit as she is very rich. 2) How on earth do you give the ECU control to modify values as it sees fit? I am not talking full control but the ability to change something a bit. These are all things Nige showed me but being a plum I have managed to forget and don't want to screw up another ECU! Cheers
  15. I would say that if I was shortening shafts, I would be looking to machine them and add in an interferance fit sleeve, then weld them and on a really high amperage! Obviously sleeve size is limited by the stub axle orifice. Using the sleeve should help keep things a bit more straight as well.
  16. You will have news on that bulkhead this weekend Jon. Like I said it isn't pretty but might be a start.
  17. Do you chaps open at weekends? Useful to know as I always find I'm missing something circa 2pm on a Saturday and no one is open
  18. on my R380 I found loose bolts around the selectors, remove the gearstick and transfer lever grommit and it all becomes a bit more obvious!
  19. Involved, just hope I pass my MOT in time Boris Bike transporter anyone? Double points if I use the Series 1?!
  20. Right so just to clarify this for the V8 virgin (me!) I can run the vaccum line from the middle of the plenum, across to the fuel pressure regulator. Then tee this line for a run to connect to the megasquirt module? Apologies if this is simple science, I just don't know!
  21. it's a combination of flow rate and air pressure! Your air pressure is far to high, and possibly the flow rate to high for the hand movement. I would suggest checking the air pressure and giving the gun a good clean. STart with fast movements and slow until you get a good paint cover without runs.
  22. could well be timing, in fact it is the more likely of the two....
  23. Nige I will email Re, leads. I should point out my problem with the tubing is made a whole lot harder but not having any of the original on the engine So an idiots guide would be useful, especially as I am not too familiar with V8s. Am I correct in thinking there is a connection on the fuel pressure regulator?
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