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Everything posted by rusty_wingnut

  1. buy a 90? By the time you've gone to the effort of chucking all that kit in Series you might as well bought a 90.
  2. if this LEZ business materialises and looks to be costly I am going big, big HFH style V8
  3. I recently rebuilt my 2ltr petrol to a hotter spec than original and it cost me well over £3k despite doing nearly everything bar machining and parts myself. Looks good mate - keep it going!
  4. In those 2years I have put nearly 50k on this engine.... I have also run it with a VGT (1.2bar max pressure) and upp'ed fuel settings. It's always been reliable. I have changed the thermostat and low and behold it's fixed, run just under halfway again and the hoses feel cool after doing a couple of highspeed A roads.
  5. I could well be up for this Martin, I have a few mates who would probably be interested also!
  6. mine has been running with the timing 2degrees advanced on the injector pump for a around 2 years now and only recently developed this fault. It does help the performance a bit IMO. I'm going to try changing the thermostat as it's getting progressively worse, on the 3mile run to the chippie it got the gauge above halfway!!
  7. interesting mine had a new rad around a year ago and now has developed this after a good dunking, and despite washing the rad fully it get's a wee bit warm on long drags at 70mph, mine is also tweaked a bit but I have an EGT gauge to keep an eye on it and she rarely crosses 600degrees. Before it was perfect and never got hotter than halfway up the gauge. I did wonder if the eletrical connection on the sender had got dirty and was causing dodgy readings?
  8. 1/4" breaker bar? Surely the most pointless tool ever invented?! I reckon I could break on with two fingers!!
  9. I do my own. Did a series box when I was at college and it's still working now - approaching 10years service. I will do my R380 when the time comes.
  10. I'm interested to know if there is any difficult lanes around there? Every lane i've done in Suffolk has been flat
  11. I have got a new series project, looking through the V5 is states it is "exempt of Section 7(1) of the VE act" I had a quick google, but wondered if anyone knew what section 7(1) of the VE act is? Cheers
  12. seen this before on a few 200's they have a problem with a cam bearing shifting and that causes a loss of oil pressure, next thing is they fling a big end. Very bad, get your cam bearings checked!
  13. I have: Working 300tdi 90 Working 2ltr petrol LWB Series 1 Working MGB Not Working 1931 Riley
  14. rubber, 7 kids? there's a joke in that somewhere...
  15. Chain doesn't agree with mud for long though does it? After an event you'll end up having to remove the chain and cleaning it. Unless of course you can house it so no mucky water can get to it?
  16. I've never done mine not had a spot of trouble, just crack it up nice n tight with a decent 3/4" drive wrench and bar.
  17. I would attempt to double up on the compressor, by modifying the mounting to take both pump and compressor, It must be "crammable" although finding a belt maybe a bit tricky. I agree though that you will struggle to get it all to fit on the front of the crank.
  18. I suspect a taper of some sort is used?
  19. I have a 110 rear silencer, and that's it, just straight pipe with one elbow
  20. On a 300tdi you need to remove the ridiculous silencer at the rear, I fitted a 90 deg bend and straight pipe, it was worth a couple of miles an hour more up a steep local hill...
  21. Finally fixed it! the pipe from the actuator has been re-reouted into the back of the inlet manifold, now 1.5bar briefly, before it settles to 1.2bar = happy me
  22. Indeed it is! It is preturbo. The alarm is set at 750C, and it can get upto a little over 700 on a long hill.
  23. Hi John, I have it cracked up quite far, I have a decent EGT gauge and although it never reaches 750F it does get close on long uphills, boot down, making me think there is a leak or the diaphragm isn't performing properly.
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