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Everything posted by zim

  1. Evening, I'm busy deciding what size tyres to run. I've been to a few howlin wolf events now and seen that you guys use from 35" - 38.5" generally. What would you suggest for a v8 90 ? I'll probably go up to a 100" wheel base next year, but my current one is shorter. I like the look of the 38.5" boggers, but what width is preferred the 11" or 15" ?? And what size rim 15 or 16 ?? Or are these top secret bits of information ? I'm not asking for all your trade secrets just a bit of a guidline so that i don't make an expensive mistake Cheers Gordon
  2. I've got a load of pics, not sure how best to post them ??? (they're currently on my facebook account) [simpson voice] Doh ![/voice] Within minutes of going in.... ....how many times did you have to re-tie your rope ? oops... the expression says it all : it's going ok at this point : not so ok at this point after a failed winch rope : G
  3. i've got a video of you "tight rope walking" across that gulley
  4. lol, ok. here's a vid of the second part of the recovery, i don't have the first part : G
  5. Was a good day watching The co drivers got their legs tested Some near misses on the puch that saley had an oops on. Just after him, a winch rope snapping whilst the vehicle was near the top came careering back down, but luckily veered into the massive stump (although bending his trailing arms etc). are you ok with it on youtube ? Gordon
  6. Has it ever worked ? Because, from what you describe "screw into a plastic fitting", are you sure you aren't suposed to have a gauge instead - as the sender for a gauge is a whole lot bigger (looks like an old camera film plastic tub almost, but white / orange / some other colour they had in stock when manufacturing lol)....whereas the sender for just an on/off bulb is relatively flat / small. G A picture is as good as a million words : This is the on/off sender : This is the oil temp sender, found in the same housing : This is for an oil pressure gauge : I guess, from your description, the first switch is kind of in a plastic housing, but that is only the spade connector which your wire connects to, but the actual item what screws into the block is metallic. To test, turn your key on.... take the wire off your sender, and touch it to earth - your light should come on. If it does, your sender is kaput. Hope that helps Gordon Edit again : thinking about it, if you had the sensor for a gauge then your light would probably be on dim then brightening up etc as the pressure changed.... so i think i was jumping the gun a bit.
  7. i've got braided fuel hose which came off a racing boat sorry i'm not much use about where to get it from, but i think it's better than normal hose. G
  8. Already sorted i think, but i can G
  9. LOL i've heard that if you weld your battery whilst it's sitting on top of an open petrol container you'll get better results G
  10. Evening, Just wondering if anyone has testbook / rovacom / some fancy computer that i can plug my P38 4.6 into... I just want to give it a checking over, because it seems to be using a bit more fuel than normal. Beer / food / money can be supplied Cheers Gordon
  11. thanks for the good reply , sorry for my delay i'm at work i may have issues, as i have an 88" chassis with gigglepin rear arms already.... but i'll see how i can fab the brackets maybe from your 5th picture, it looks like the brackets on the axel have to be cut off and redone ?? Gordon
  12. you put that a hell of a lot better than i just did, i've been browsing microcat to see if i could find a decent picture to show which seal i meant, but a photo is a lot better it's ATF coming out the back of the gearbox Gordon
  13. Gigglepin ( D9OSV posts on here is the boss ) will be the place to sort out the johnny joints You're probably best off having a chat with them about the winch as well. Gordon http://www.gigglepin4x4.net/
  14. Morning, I was thinking of giving disco 2 front arms a try on my hybrid. But unfortunately i don't have access to one to go and measure up, so can anyone tell me the overall length. And what shape is the axle end ? Will the arms fit onto a 90 axle, or ??? Anyone got a picture of how they mount onto a disco chassis ? Sorry for the vague post.... Cheers Gordon
  15. have you got the conversion ring and manifolds ? we cut off the old mounts, and put new ones onto the chassis. G
  16. mine is mounted in the cab....the amount of noise isn't really a problem cos how often do you actually run it and how long does it take for the diff(s) to be engaged - not long. i've seen others mount them on the rear of the bulkhead on top of their tray etc. G
  17. true, i see you're listed as congleton..... i get my steel from Kenyons in Macc (or a place near Handforth), a small family run business that are dead friendly G
  18. ouch @ having to buy a full length ! if you don't get sorted by someone else, i'm a bit out of your way (Manchester) but we get whatever size / lengths of steel we want from our local guys. Gordon
  19. A few other pictures : oops Gordon
  20. i work 3 week shifts, and some times when i come back to it i get gearbox fault - which always go away. i've had SRS fault before and that had to be reset by computer. G
  21. do you need to come in a 4x4 to come and watch or will a car make it ? Gordon
  22. you'll then need a PC1 from think automotive... http://www.thinkauto.com/takeoff.htm this will replace your current oil filter setup and is better than a sandwich plate (i've hit them before by mistake) G
  23. they work a lot better than normal series door handles just don't do what i did, and buy LHD door locks .... doh ! Gordon
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