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Posts posted by LucRZA

  1. Hi All

    I received a 1996 tdi300 for my 18th birthday a year ago and all was pleasant until I decided to have a look under the dash to discover a horrific site of spaghetti wires leading to many dead ends. Anyway it hasn't plagued any functioning as yet however...

    The voltage coming out of my cigarette lighter seems to be blowing anything I have put in it. I have gone through two cell phone chargers and a few other bits and bobs and decided to measure the voltage.

    I took measurements with the engine on and off.

    It fluctuated between 11,5 to 14v.

    So my question is there a way to see why this is so high or a solution to make it less varied and preferably under 12v.

    Or would making a trip round to the auto electrician more viable option.

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