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rumbling noise

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I know there loads of posts on the typical defender rumbles and noises :P

I've just got my rebuild.on the road and noticed a rumbly kind of noise seems from the front (not constant, in like a waves and increases with speed). It starts off pretty much as I take off from stationary and kind of becomes less noticeable as I get faster. But when I put foot on clutch or coast to a lower speed it tends to go. I've checked ujs and phrase of props and they seem to be all tight and not much play. I'm thinking maybe transfer box? Buy it engages into Hi and low really well, and drives/pulls well.

Many thanks 


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Hi thanks for replies. Maverick I've gone through the the gears (inc reverse) it still makes the noise, I'll try neutral when I drive it again. The cv joints are all new (rebuild) but the diff isn't, so I think that's were I'll be looking next. 


Many thanks

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If the noise is still there when the transfer box is in neutral, you can rule out any issues with your diff's prop shafts cv's, hubs, transfer box output bearings etc etc.... in which case you're looking at internal gearbox bearings and internal transfer box bearings, or engine related, but low rumbling usually points to an unhappy bearing in your transmission.

So maybe a few avenues for you to explore now are, change the oil in the Transfer box and Gear box, see if it improves, or if the oil is already new I'd be looking at is either removing the sump hatch on the transfer box or removing the input gear hatch on the transfer box, pull the gear and have a look at the bearings, also inspect the gears for wear/corrosion.

you can also give the gearbox output shaft a wiggle see if that feels ok.

Further steps out with above would be to remove gearbox or transfer box and swap with a known good ones...

If the noise goes away when TB is in neutral, you can now concentrate on everything "south" of the intermediate gear in your transfer box, I'd recommend you try take a systematic approach starting at the transfer box output flanges, checking props, then diffs then axle ends then hubs.

A bit tedious, but tries to get around the shooting from the hip and trying to randomly guess where the problem is.


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Thanks for that reply maverick. I'll have a look at the weekend, when u say transfer box in neutral, whats the best way to do that, get towed or I'd have to be rolling down a hill and check if the sound is still there. Sorry I'm new to land rovers


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What Roverdrive is saying is that the two flanges on the front prop must not be lined-up with each other as they are on the rear one. There are sixteen splines and the two sections should be out of phase by two splines (that's 45 degrees coming from (360 x 2 /16)). So if the phasing is wrong, split the prop at the splines and rotate as necessary to give you the two spline difference.


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Just simply park your truck up and pop the hi/low stick into the centre point of the H like the picture says: s-l300.jpg


Then just slowly run the truck up through the gears, you can then listen to see if the noise is still there, what this does is effectively tells you fn the noise is coming from the gearbox or the "top" side of the transfer box. if the noise is not there when you do this, it means its either the output bearings on the transfer box or UJ's or diff or hubs etc, which there are other testing you can then do to find out if the rest are ok.

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Thanks maverick, I've parked up knocked Tb into neutral And While Stationary I Went Through The Gears. There didn't seem to be any noise so I take it its could be what u mentioned as above. I dnt know if this makes a difference but I noticed my passengerside wheel has a neg camber,  and thinking on while i rebuilt the defender one of the steering bars (the one that goes directly to the passenger hub was bent (must have had whack) so maybe it cud be bearing related.

Many thanks for your time

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On 2/21/2017 at 7:15 AM, Gregved said:

Hi gerrymandering, yeah i think if I let of acceletor and coast or depress clutch down the noise die's down :/


Many thanks

I'd hazard a guess a bad UJ on the prop shaft, if not the joint I'd still focus my attention prop shaft related.

If it was a wheel bearing I'd expect once the speed it's really noticeable has been reached the noise would remain after depressing the clutch, I'd also expect the vehicle steering to pull to the side.

Edited by gerrymc123
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