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It's not the only forum that's been very quiet lately. I've been a member of seriouslyseries.com for a good while, and it's never been so quiet despite being a very friendly, close knit bunch. Plenty of chatter on the Facebook group, but it's like YouTube comments on there (I'm sure everyone will know what I mean) with the wider rabble only one "join" click away.

The photobucket ransom hasn't helped either... When in contrast, Facebook point blank refuse to delete anything. So many old threads are now dead unless you've discovered the joys of the chrome or Firefox fix plugin... If only they'd asked for a more reasonable sum, they'd probably be rolling in it now and the Internet would be a better place for it. 

Shame about LRO, I've found answers to many a Google in that forum. Other forums seem to have a similarly good archive, but again not so much happening lately. 

The wider question is: are the years of the independent forum numbered? When an overload of Facebook noise is ever present, will people bother to sign up and get involved in yet another community that doesn't try to invade their lives and grab their attention so pervasively or present it in a nice little "feed" for easy consumption? 

Another aspect is ease of use... Lots of people struggle uploading and linking images, photobucket nonsense aside. Facebook makes it easy as could be, particularly on mobile. User experience is also the same, no matter what group you're a member of. In a lot of ways this is "better": Single sign in. Unified user experience. General ease of use. Free, unlimited, unrestricted image uploads. Tapatalk is supposed to help with this, but frankly I hated it, and not every forum supports it anyway. I guess it boils down to a balance between ease of use and the barrier to entry being high enough to keep the empty vessels who make most noise away. 

Sorry for the essay, lots of interesting stuff buried in this one. I'll look forward to more informed discussion :)

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I think independent forums like this should be OK.  The associated forums like LRO have to tow a company line to keep the parent company's advertisers happy, so the range of discussion and certainly the integrity of answers suffers.  At the other end oft he spectrum, the Facebook groups are a free-for-all, very easy to join and comment, but hard to find information and always a disaster for anyone asking a sensible question and hoping for reasonable answers.  This forum sits nicely in the middle, highly informative, not welcoming to trolls and idiots, and very honest as it has no masters to please.  There are other forums that lay in similar middle ground, but they're too model specific, often taking it to the point of discouraging anything non-standard from that model, to attract many members, failing to reach the critical mass required to keep going.  The Lightweight Land Rover Club's forum has become a bit like that - it's a good club and a good forum, but it's quiet because of being too narrowly focused.

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As I said on LRA, the owners of the titles are in it for the short term money and have no real connection to the marque. Goes for most magazines that specialize in someting...

Gone are the days that companies seem to be in it for the long term....

Oh well, progress I guess..

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I think most of their staff are in it for personal gain, not just the publishers.  There are several of the staff who are clearly enthusiasts, but much of what they write is clearly to boost sales of one product or another.  There are some staff who appear to have enthusiasm for the marque, but have no technical knowledge at all, and I can't understand how that occurs - over a period of years (months for many of us), we build up a lot of knowledge because our interest, so when these "professionals" show such a lack of it after many years of writing for a specialist magazine, one does have to wonder about the sincerity of their enthusiasm.  And then there are those in that very publication who have earned themselves a mafiosa reputation amongst traders, demanding lots of freebies in return for endorsements and threatening the more honest traders.  I heard such accusations from many traders at Billing, Stoneleigh, Gaydon and suchlike.  At least on here, I'm confident that any advice I see is meant as an honest contribution based on the writer's experiences.

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I think that since the usual internet rubbish is so obviously not tolerated here, it puts off the usual internet types. Keeping that chit-chat down is the best thing about this forum because it discourages that type and leaves the technical stuff up front. 

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Interesting, but it is the same as the predecessor of this forum. I do think a forum needs to be independent from a magazine for it to work. As for Facebook, I haven't find much content with any depth to it.



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As Daam says


big forums  (like here) use lots of bandwidth and are not cheap to run and maintain.

LEO see the forum as s drain on profits so bye.  hard and simple commercial desicion


we are non profit making and with support from membership via the supporters scheme and donations are relatively financially safe...report to no one in terms of profits costs drains etc.

all A&M team do all work for free and it's pretty self funding .

shame LRO are doing this....but with dwindling distribution  erg hardly a surprise to cut what is not a core business cost.


lr4x4.com is it's core business

big difference


Again a huge thankyou to all forum financial supporters 







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Yes came from the EU. Started in 2016 but businesses have 2 years to get compliant. It's meant to give more control to users over their data, seeing as the current law is from the 90's when companies like Google and Facebook, etc. didn't exist.

For a business, it pretty much means you can't do anything without a user's consent. Like you couldn't email an ex-customer, because you shouldn't be holding their email address after they're not a customer (unless they'd given their consent). Consent will have to be explicitly given, rather than being implied or by having to opt out by default.

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