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It's our fault again...


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Sadly, some LR owners abuse and neglect their vehicles, and others carry out botched mods.  You see utter wrecks all the time.  They're the ones who got Series and Defenders a bad name for reliability and reputation for bad brakes and vague steering, insisting that the result of the negligence was "normal".  Whether this vehicle was such a case remains to be seen - it may have been a new vehicle professionally maintained; other manufacturers have been synonymous with electrical fires, particularly Ford and Peugeot, but some LR owners do us and the marque no favours, and Cackshifter is right that premiums could go up for us as a result.

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If tower blocks can be without sprinklers, then there's little chance of them being mandated for car parks.  And without them being mandated, no car park owner or operator is likely to fit them - the first thing you see as you enter any car park is a legal disclaimer.

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3 hours ago, Scotts90 said:

So no sprinkler systems in the car park then?  nice to see they had the foresight to take a pic but with only one car ablaze at the time surely a fire extinguisher may have delayed the spread until the professionals arrived...



2 minutes to find a fire extinguisher and get back ? That car fire looks properly into the running away stage to me. I don’t see that being held under control for 10 minutes with a hand held fire extinguisher. If in doubt get out is my preferred approach.

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"She said she saw an old Land Rover"

That is very vague, seeing as she's a Wag, old could be 2015!! 

For all we know it could have been a CAT equipped LR and some rubbish blowing about made contact, and..... 

Don't forget there was a spate of L322's spontaneously combusting, that was bad wiring under the passenger seat..

Also at lot of later LR's have fuel burning heaters, another potential source of ignition! What is a little annoying is the photo of the very sad looking Disco, are they suggesting that is the source?? Which case was it a D2 with the EAS playing up?

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From what I could work out, the photo of the Disco 2 was gratuitous and just a random LR they could see?

Also some random damaging comments in this thread. With the press against LR owners I don't see why we should attack ourselves?

Like the horrendous tower disaster this was waiting to happen and could have been at any time anywhere, but as car parks get bigger the result will be worse. What tickled me was the typical brit comment "no animals were harmed" lets not be concerned about people?







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Well sorry if I offended, but it wasn't an old Land Rover! Just had a look at some of the footage and there is a rather telling video that definitely shows that it was not an old Land Rover.... 

so Series, Defender and Discovery owners you're off the hook :rolleyes:

But it does pose the question... if you are going to collect a large number of highly combustible items, shouldn't you have to take precautions? Just the simple act of packing as many cars into a small space is asking for trouble... surly larger spacing between cars would have slowed things down... remembering that the majority of cars in that car park will have had plastic fuel tanks....

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I forget the exact case and date when a be-wigged, panty-hose wearing drunk made the judgement. Which ran something along the lines of "The owner of the space where the vehicle was parked shall be held no more responsible for the safety of that vehicle than any other person"

So basically since that judgement, which dates back to the late 19th century, car park owners have no liability for anything that happens to your vehicle when it is parked in their car park. In essence making a car park a licence to take money from people for the privilege of being able to get out of their car and leave it somewhere. 

NCP terms and conditions make interesting reading.


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7 hours ago, dailysleaze said:

It appears sprinklers aren't believed to work well enough in car parks due to petrol:

Maybe the foaming systems used in aircraft hangars could be looked into instead. They will still comprehensively damage a vehicle if inundated, but at least the fire won't be going much further.


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9 hours ago, dailysleaze said:


It appears sprinklers aren't believed to work well enough in car parks due to petrol:


That's not what the Chief Fire Officer, who was interviewed on Radio 5 Live, said yesterday.

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Many years ago I read a statement concerning car park security that stated that the signeage declaring customers own responsibilty for loss was meaningless as by law where you pay for a service the service provider has a duty of care to provide reasonable protection and is liable for damages if that duty of care has not been undertaken.

What a court decides is reasonable who knows but the premise was that a car park provider cannot be excluded from liability and that the sign was there to fool customers!

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I can't remember this sort of thing happening in a UK car park, but I remember this fire under a motorway bridge happening in Rouen, France a few years ago. I was driving to Le Mans for the 24 hr race, on the way there I had to go on diversion through Rouen because the tanker caught fire under a motorway bridge and caused a lot of damage to it. Repairing a motorway bridge must also have been a good claim on the insurance!


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Nasty, not sure how we'd get a sprinkler system in an open air car park :D

Point is I suppose, these things are pretty rare, and whilst perhaps fast moving, there was clearly enough time to get everyone out. Vehicles are just vehicles to people nowadays, not some cherished thing like most of us soppy Land Rover owners believe -neither is wrong you understand, I form an emotional attachment to most 'nice' cars I own, I rarely sell anything... :)

So for I'd say 99% of vehicle owners they will see it as an inconvenience but nothing more, sprinklers are probably only being mentioned in the wake of Grenfell.



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A sprinkler system inside a residential or office building where the fire is going to paper, furniure etc and people may get trapped; then absolutley a good idea. However I don't have enough knowledge about fire saftey systems to be able see how a sprinkler system for example would do much to stop a carpark fire like this one in Liverpool where cars are packed in tightly together (I was in this very carpark only 2 months ago). As a vehicle fire will start either within the cab area or under the bonnet where water from a spinkler system won't get at it until the fire has become fierce and by which time it will undoubtidly be spreading to other cars next to it in a chain reaction as happened here. Also once petrol and diesel have started to become involved wouldn't water just make things worse unless it was a foam system?

I would love to have bigger car park spaces in the UK, but I can't see that ever happening given how expensive land is and how many cars there are on the roads. As Bowie says, car park fires like this are seemingly uncommon (in the UK at least) and luckily people can get out in time so I can't really see much changing as a result of this fire.

It is extremely fortunate that the damage caused by this fire was limited to property and not life.

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