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Leaking Fluids Mystery

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Leakin Fluids Mystery

This is our MD's 2015 110 Puma Tdci (photo and video below)

For the last 2 days it has been leaking a fluid when he drives it in from home, (about 2 miles)  

Its not oil, and its not water, (it doesnt dry) We have checked Brake, Clutch, steering, Coolant, engine oil,and washer fluids - and all seem fine

the aircon hasnt been used (and its the wrong side) - a cursory look (Thats when you look and swear a lot!) reveals nothing obvious.

I'm going to revisit the brake fluid, because I dont know enough to diagnose this, but despite no obvious evidence of a leak it is below the brake servo.

any suggestions anyone? 

IMG_1200 (002).JPG

Edited by Oakmaster
poor spelling
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3 hours ago, Oakmaster said:

any suggestions anyone? 

Put down a bowl and collect a clean sample of whatever it is? It'll make it a lot easier to identify if you can't tell where it's falling out of.

Edited by TSD
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Put some water on the patch and see what happens. If it is engine oil, gearbox oil or diesel you will see a rainbow film appear on the surface. If it is screenwash, coolant or water then nothing will happen. If it is brake fluid then it will go milky.

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Most likeley to be diesel and by the position of the puddke would suggest a fractured fuel line, this doesn't mean that the engine would not run quite right, it would have no effect. Get under it and observe any hanging drips and trace the source from there, I had a similar problem where a clear liquid was dripping off the front axle diff, tracing it back found that one of the fuel pipe unions on the back of the injector pump was leaking.

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2 hours ago, Happyoldgit said:

Puma Defenders don't use Adblue.


Fuel lines run along the top of the chassis rails so I would expect to see the chassis wet. Looks like water dripping from the air intake pipe to me. Has it been washed recently? Does it have a snorkel?

yes has been washed (unlike mine!) - its not diesel for sure - and whatever it is - it isnt drying, doesnt smell, doesnt 'rainbow' or go milky white !

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Sorry gentelmen, been away for a  day week-end - while I was away it was taken to the nearest L-Rover garage who happended to be the local main dealer, and they could not find anything wrong with it.  We know it wasnt diesel, and it had been washed recently - so maybe its that?  


thanks for your input

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One more suggestion for you to check. Have you been carrying anything in the back of the truck that could have spilt and found its way out?

I once had diesel dripping on the floor from a similar area, it took me a lot of work to realise it wasn't the tank or fuel lines but a leaking can of diesel in the back. 

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