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New year, new winch mod.


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It is horses for courses although i am a little suprised a the hostility shown by some on here?

I perhaps stupidly thought that people might be genuinely intrested, and be intrested to see this product, and some are......

So am I. It is after all an interesting development and I for one am interested in this and in the future incarnations ... good luck with whatever Phase 2 is :)

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This thread is going round in circles and getting nowhere!

Fridgefreezer, you are wanting Jim to produce precise figures for line pull, current draw and speed. Why? When you get the figures what are you going to do with them?

There are NO other figures for other winches out there so no comparison could be made.

Some winches have been developed for the UK winch challenge scene, others for recovery work and some as a compromise between the two.

People who have not competed in a UK winch challenge are trying to tell others the way to go.

Why are people slagging someone for pushing the boundaries and having a go at producing a usable product? Jim has the experience of challenge events and understands the winch requirements for such events.

Fridge ,Dolly, how about you two teaming up and entering Muddy’s or Argyll and showing the rest of us the way it’s done? I even know someone who would pay your entry!

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Im sorry - Im getting so confused with this, seems a few egos are bruised which wasnt intentional.

Im not worried about if a winch is suitable for a weekends competition in the UK - winch challenges arent my bag. in fact if you read previous posts you would catch on numerous occassions and in many posts quotes like "Im not being partisan I just want a good solution for me" and "for UK comps I think electric is a hard act to beat" Im asking questions based on the simple premis if it does what I want it to I would buy it and for no other reason. I would have thought this would an asset to vendors instead of a hinderance, a time to produce figures and demonstrate the level of thought thats gone into launching a new product. sorry if asking questions isnt permitted. I asked the questions when I bought my last winch instal - oddly they were provided.....

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Fridgefreezer, you are wanting Jim to produce precise figures for line pull, current draw and speed. Why? When you get the figures what are you going to do with them?

Compare them with the figures for other winches, as I'm sure many others are keen to do. I'm not trying to be controversial or upset people. If you have taken the time and money to engineer a product like this it would seem a good idea to have basic data to hand when selling it or raving about it :huh:

How many (sane) people would buy shackles for recovery that are un-tested? A winch rope with no breaking strain figure? A battery with no capacity number? See what I'm getting at. If I bought one of Jim's winches tomorrow I would have to take a guess at what size of cable to plumb it in with and how much pull it's capable of exerting on its mounting.

There are NO other figures for other winches out there so no comparison could be made.

Notably Mr Bowyer doesn't publish full load current draw for most of his "Goodwinches" either, just the lowly husky with its 1.9hp:

Superwinch Husky Specs

H14W Specs

H8P Specs

E12 & E14P Electric Specs

H9W Specs

Superwinch catalogue - includes full-pull current draw for all winches, start at P6

Come-up DV12000 Specs including line pull per layer & amps drawn under load

Come-up DV9000 Specs

Come-up DV9000i Specs

Come-up DS9.5 Specs

Come-Up DS9500i Specs

T-Max EW9000 Specs

T-Max EW9000W Specs

T-Max EW10000W Specs

T-Max EWI10000 Specs

Warn 9.5XP Specs

Warn 9.5Ti Specs

Warn M12000 Specs

Warn XD9000i Specs

The lowly 8274-50 Specs

M8000 Specs

Tabor 12000 Specs

Did Google miss any? :huh:

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Just placed an order for the most innovative and exciting product which has been made available to your average 4x4 consumer for years.

Whilst my questions were undoubtedly more basic in nature than those being posted here the clarity of answers and speed of service from Gigglepin was exemplary and a credit to 4x4 retailers.

Whilst the answers to the questions will no doubt be interesting to some I suspect that given the technical knowledged being dislayed here they wouldn't have purchased the product in the first place and minds have already been made up.

What seems to be missing here is that any innovative business, by necessity of its size and working capital constraints, also trades on the goodwill of its reputation. The fact that Gigglepin have been prepared to invest in the development of this product and supported users through the development phase by offering an exchange for the new housing is good enough evidence for me that it does what the video shows.

As a community I am suprised that there is not more celebration and support shown for not only the development of products such as these but also the commercial acumen for making the product available.

Growth of the sport requires investment and that cash inflow will only come from businesses like Gigglepin making products available to consumers.

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Dear Fridge, figures would be nice, are you aware of the cost of such certification when applied to shackles and cables? Both are high volume production items and there is also a legal requirement. The figures for batteries are similar to those quoted for winch motors, an indication and in some instances an exaggeration.

Please don’t tell me you believe the figures quoted by winch manufacturers!

The Weston Park winch test proves those provided by manufacturers are a dream as no winch pulled over 2tonne.

The first winch in your list proves the point. The Husky is a fine piece of kit, offered in two guises, 8,000 lb and 10,000 lb. The difference between the two models? Nothing!

Same motor, same gear ratio, same drum diameter. Choice of gear ratio for 12 or 24volt models.

Mr Bowyer does not list reams of figures, he will demonstrate, he will put you in contact with people who have the winch you are interested in. Jim will do the same. Many of the top people in the UK challenge scene use Jim’s products for the simple fact he uses them himself and gets results. Jim will I am sure obtain some figures for current drain when possible.

You rate the H14 which I also used for some time while competing, if the H14 does what you want you will have no use for a twin motor 8274.

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Dear Fridge, figures would be nice, are you aware of the cost of such certification when applied to shackles and cables? Both are high volume production items and there is also a legal requirement. The figures for batteries are similar to those quoted for winch motors, an indication and in some instances an exaggeration.

Please don’t tell me you believe the figures quoted by winch manufacturers!

The Weston Park winch test proves those provided by manufacturers are a dream as no winch pulled over 2tonne.

The first winch in your list proves the point. The Husky is a fine piece of kit, offered in two guises, 8,000 lb and 10,000 lb. The difference between the two models? Nothing!

Same motor, same gear ratio, same drum diameter. Choice of gear ratio for 12 or 24volt models.

Mr Bowyer does not list reams of figures, he will demonstrate, he will put you in contact with people who have the winch you are interested in. Jim will do the same. Many of the top people in the UK challenge scene use Jim’s products for the simple fact he uses them himself and gets results. Jim will I am sure obtain some figures for current drain when possible.

You rate the H14 which I also used for some time while competing, if the H14 does what you want you will have no use for a twin motor 8274.

Hi Jim,

I am getting a little of that dejavou stuff.

Why is it that when anybody dares to deviate from the norm they get hammered!!

It was not that long ago that some tinpot little company in Scotland decided to "have a go" at importing purple string from accrss the pond - have some patience, it took them almost 2 years to convince the sceptics that is was worth a punt!!!

Now look around - everyone is wanting a piece of the action.



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I started reading through this thread and kinda got bored with the same things goin round and round. In all fairness before I got bored I did notice that some people said the winch wasn't a solutuion for them but they thought it was an excellent, well produced product. This is a credit to Gigglepin if someone from another faith can look at his product and prase it. These electric v hydro threads go round and round just like the Suzuki v's landrover, bogger v's simex etc etc. Thing is it depends what works for you. I really cant fault my 8274's, I have em front and rear and as soon as the bank balance recovers from crimbo they will both be sporting Jims twin motor conversions. Not everyones preference but they work for me. Well done Jim, another excellent product.

One question, I assume that they will require an albright (or other solenoid pack) per motor? Or will a single albright handle the current drawn by two motors?

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One question, I assume that they will require an albright (or other solenoid pack) per motor? Or will a single albright handle the current drawn by two motors?

and i think thats a perfect example of why people want specs before buying stuff.

these threads do always go in circles but at least on this forum people admit that the 'perfect' choice for them isnt right for everyone & that other options can be as good or better depending on use. i find this sort of thread very useful for finding out general info on different types of equipment, the views on it & often reasons why people hold those views. for someone like me who doesnt know that much its a great way to learn stuff so i at least know roughly what people are on about & can laff a the right times :D

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Just placed an order for the most innovative and exciting product which has been made available to your average 4x4 consumer for years.

Whilst my questions were undoubtedly more basic in nature than those being posted here the clarity of answers and speed of service from Gigglepin was exemplary and a credit to 4x4 retailers.

Whilst the answers to the questions will no doubt be interesting to some I suspect that given the technical knowledged being dislayed here they wouldn't have purchased the product in the first place and minds have already been made up.

What seems to be missing here is that any innovative business, by necessity of its size and working capital constraints, also trades on the goodwill of its reputation. The fact that Gigglepin have been prepared to invest in the development of this product and supported users through the development phase by offering an exchange for the new housing is good enough evidence for me that it does what the video shows.

As a community I am suprised that there is not more celebration and support shown for not only the development of products such as these but also the commercial acumen for making the product available.

Growth of the sport requires investment and that cash inflow will only come from businesses like Gigglepin making products available to consumers.

well said 'Wall Street', some very good points which I don't think everyone appreciates,

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Most things new are probably scorned in their early years.

Just think when somebody first said, if I take this lump of metal, bore a hole through it and put a little tin can shaped thing inside it attached to a bent shaft, make it all go round which makes the tin can go up and down and squish some air up tight and then throw in a bit of oil in the bottom and petrol in the top with a little spark, one day we will get enough power out of it to drive the cart, and we can get rid of the horses.

How they all laughed on their chariots :rolleyes:

I don't claim to be any sort of designer but I do know that in many ways good design is about something that does the job, if you can't explain why it works then that doesn't make it a bad design as long as it does work :)

I thought that video was very impressive...

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I recon the Giggle pin one , its based on a simple solid idea , Not overcomplicated like the goodwinch .

Has anyone else got a goodwinch twin motor winch or is it just David Bowyer .

It looks a bit big and clumsey , any Videos of it in action anywhere?

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1 8274 £800

1 gigglepin top £650

2motors £400

1 giggle pin shaft £200

how much for goodwinch twin motor winch £ ???

any body like to compare winches side by side ??????

Most challenge trucks already have an 8274 Except the die hard hyd boys , So Take the price of this from the equasion as the top and shaft are simply modifications .

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Well then rather than this thread descending into worse than a thread on other lesser Forums.

I'm suggesting if people have any more queries re the performance/specs etc of the winch in question

contact the producer directly or use the PM function.

this thread is as stated above going around in circles and turning into a pi**ing contest.

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Well then rather than this thread descending into worse than a thread on other lesser Forums.

I'm suggesting if people have any more queries re the performance/specs etc of the winch in question

contact the producer directly or use the PM function.

this thread is as stated above going around in circles and turning into a pi**ing contest.

Well said Tony!

(I've not seen any spec for the oil?)smily012.gif

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Wow - thanks for the demo earlier Jim.

Didn't know you could run at full pelt whilst spooling out rope. (In fact didn't know you could run :-) ) Lets hope your winch bitch will be able to keep up, with this winch.

And to have sold so many in just 12 days, this must really be the 'dogs '. Am sure its going to wipe the board in the comp scene this year. It'll probably get banned !!

As far as cost goes - if your spending £25K on upgrading a standard truck to serious winch comp spec anyway - as I know people who have, this now has got to be on the shopping list.

Right where's that Lotto ticket.

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Unfortunately Jim can't give the current draw figures etc that the Hydro boys think are so important because I haven't finished the electrical test gear yet!

I have to earn a living too you know so I can only afford the time at weekends, and I've had to take a break from that to to do this :angry:

The figures will be published, of that you can be certain.

Back to the workbench :lol:


in light of the above moderator post if you want to discuss/argue re anything please use the PM function. Tony

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O/T I've got to go down and see Jim to shake his hand to congratulate him on the birth of his new son Samuel :) BUT!! i no i'm going to come away with one of these baby's! :lol:

I saw the old model (in use) and that was v/good.....this look's even better and just what i need! or is it! will it give me an edge in the awdc series! not sure yet!!! do i need to spend the cast on it yet? or spend it on other thing's? hmmmm not sure! <_<

But when i see it in action, i'll no then! but it sure look's the nut's to me on the video IMHO!

The problem i've got is! i new what a 8274 did before i got mine, so buying was not a problem, i new what the extended/narrowed drum did before i got it, so not a problem. So do i need to spend £1k on the front winch????? I think this is what a lot of people are thinking!!!! <_<

Bet i still end up with one though! :lol:

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Unfortunately Jim can't give the current draw figures etc that the Hydro boys think are so important because I haven't finished the electrical test gear yet!

I have to earn a living too you know so I can only afford the time at weekends, and I've had to take a break from that to to do this :angry:

The figures will be published, of that you can be certain.

Back to the workbench :lol:


in light of the above moderator post if you want to discuss/argue re anything please use the PM function. Tony

Bad Day at the office..... :lol:

Calm down dear, it's only a forum...... :D

Sorry Tony, i'll put his leash back on....We only let him out once in a while from the anger management training sessions...... :lol:

Adrian, I'm amazed you've not been in yet to see one...? And don't give me the 'ole "I've been working" excuse, because we all know your a man of leasure... :lol:

Jim :)

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  • 1 month later...
Maybe Maths/spelling aren't his strong points

but the winches he'll have will be top notch for an electric setup

and ideal for the useage he plans for his vehicle

whereas Jez needs a setup for a different set of conditions

Horses for courses

winch challenges/standard Milemarkers don't go hand in hand

EP9 very nice winch

husky good slow but very reliable.

lots of other suitable for what they are designed

BBC set up is very nice as is Nigels

but electric is easy to fit/easy to upgrade hundreds of people can't all be wrong.

I'd indeed like one of the twin motor housings as I think it would be a great set up for a heavy H/T 90.

If Lagoda was my intended route of competition I' consider the TypeR as the PTO slot on mine is already in use.


in 2005, I came fourth in the santas challenge, with a heavy std 280 g wagen, with milemarkers, not to bad I thought, MM and winch challenges dont go hand in hand, I wouldnt go that far. I managed to speed up my MM's 5 years ago, before the type R motor came out, this was also the time before Xp motors were about, it was reliability I wanted as the scene ws getting harder, but leccys have come a long way, I love hyds, but I also have an 8274 on another truck. I think what Jim has done is great, I am sitting on the fence until all the bugs have been ironed out of the 8274 and Jim has made all the relevent mods, then I will buy the twin motor housing. As for wanting the fiqures for this and that, its being a little bit anal, but hey each to there own.

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