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V8 thermostat housing leaking

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Hello all

I have a ''83 110 with a RR 3,5 V8 in it and I cannot, even after repeated tries get the thermostat housing to stop leaking.

each time I put a new gasket in, clean it up really well, last 2 times I have also put a thin layer of good quality silicon gasket maker to try help, this last time now I even let the silicon cure overnight, still always the same problem, its not a serious leak, "sweats" out from (I suspect) the lower bolt, but it irritates the §4!7 out of me.


am I maybe over tightening the little ½" bolts with my mits?

any tips out there?


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I'd suspect a little crack or some porosity too. 

They only need a nip up (all other things being equal, of course); I tend to use the 1/4 drive ratchet so I can't overdo it. 

Try piping a little petrol into the bolt hole in question, it'll soon tell you whether it's causing your problem. Even better with a spot of dark food dye in it. 

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As Lo-fi has suggested, it is probably porous. They do tend to go crusty, and the dead giveaway is when there are white deposits and dampness around the hose neck.

It affects the mating face too, which must be clean aluminium for it to seal properly.

New ones are hard to find, but Real Steel used to do a replacement to fit carburettor models, but not much help to you I guess, given your location

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