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Dakar / Eurosport


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Anyone see mondays (i think) highlights... that idiot in the hummer hybrid thing physically pushing the car in front (they were on a narrow track) to get him to move out the way!

i'd had found his tent that night and he'd be waking up with a crowd of people looking down at him! (and the need for some cosmetic surgery!) to$$er! :angry::angry:

My two racers work on finishing and not being the fastest out there so I get overtaken allot :rolleyes: .

I am not condoning what he did <_< .

but if someone with a faster car catches you it is good manners to move if you don't you will get pushed. It is frowned upon but dose happen even in the BORC and AWDC.

Some people seem to think is ok to hold up another competitor which is clearly faster than them I don't think that's fair and people that do don't get punished for it enough.IMHO.

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I raced in the Welsh Hill Rally in 97 ended up pushing a slower Range Rover for about a mile before he moved over, he ended up in the ditch you have to be in that situation to fully under stand. You know when you have a faster car behind you, and at the first chance you get out the way.


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On one of the shows I watched the commentator mentioned the lead brit but said that there was no coverage as the TV crew was European (French) and so were not interested in the Bowlers etc. :angry:

mmm but most of the french race in Bowlers.

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Well there were some bowlers on the other night with the farther and son team. Get confused with time differance. It is on a 8.30 in the morning which is 10.30 pm your time. So we get it about the same time, give or take. But i am at work so set sky plus and watch it when i get home from work

BTW if you really want it

Dakar Theme Tune

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Fine, if there is room to pull over the the slower car should do so. If it is a single track road (as it was) then the faster car will just have to wait. Simple enough.



But its a race for off roaders so why didn't Robby go off piste to overtake it only looked like long grass...no trees

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He seemed to find somewhere to pull over as soon as Robby rubbed him :unsure:

It is possible the lead cars sentinel system wasn't working.

To my mind, from the limited clip we had, it looked ok. The lead car wasn't unsettled by the impact, you could hardly see they touched.

I do not race and can only guess at correct etiquette, but I would have pulled over too if I was being nudged by a Hummer - even if that meant leaving the safe bit of road and driving onto the rocks at the side. IMHO that is not cricket, and the Hummer guy should have waited until he could pass safely - or left the road himself in order to pass.


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The correct ettiquette is that you pull over. However, IIRC, the Hummer had been slower on the tighter parts earlier in the stage, he then was much faster on the open tracks. He was therefore passing people who had been overtaking him earlier. What we don't know is whether the Hummer blocked competitors earlier in the day and the guy in the clip was just getting his own back. Also we couldn't tell how long the Hummer had been waiting to pass.

If I was the chap in front and the Hummer had held me up unduly earlier, I would keep him behind.

If I was in the Hummer and I had previously moved straight over, and had subsequently been held up for 20 miles, I'd be giving him a gentle rub.

Perhaps the Hummer was testing an on the move refueling system?

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The correct ettiquette is that you pull over. However, IIRC, the Hummer had been slower on the tighter parts earlier in the stage, he then was much faster on the open tracks. He was therefore passing people who had been overtaking him earlier. What we don't know is whether the Hummer blocked competitors earlier in the day and the guy in the clip was just getting his own back. Also we couldn't tell how long the Hummer had been waiting to pass.

If I was the chap in front and the Hummer had held me up unduly earlier, I would keep him behind.

If I was in the Hummer and I had previously moved straight over, and had subsequently been held up for 20 miles, I'd be giving him a gentle rub.

Perhaps the Hummer was testing an on the move refueling system?

The cars and trucks are fitted with the 'Sentenal' device........its a small radio transmitter with a range of 100 yards radius. When you are approaching another vehicle from the rear you push a little yellow button which by way of a buzzer/siren alerts the car in front that a faster racer is approaching from the rear. All you have to do then is pay attention to your mirrors and let the faster car through at a safe passing point.

It really gets the adrenalyn going...bit like paintball.

Not being able to pass in these events is very frustrating. We were over-taken by one of the giant Kamaz trucks this year on the prologue....usually the competitive spirit stays for a few Km's but you know when someone is faster than you and eventually have to give in or face a penalty for non-sporting behaivoir.

Not sure about the Dakar because it's not an FIA event...but in the FIA curcuit our vehicles are fitted with another GPS tracking gadget that shows the organisers that you've stuck to the proper route and haven't deviated from it by more than 50 meters.

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