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Transmission issues - I think

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Hi All

So, driving home from a week away in my 08 110, throughout the week when driving each time I set off I would hear a "pinging" sound and so thought right when I get back take a look at both prop shafts for damage wear etc. Whilst driving along one day with the window open when going round right hand bends I could hear a definite "tinging" sound, again put it down to prop shafts. Drove home last night and pulling into the road (300m from home) turning right there was a sound I can only describe as similar to if you missed a gear or the it jumped out of gear. I carried on a a short distance with this sound, managed to reverse onto my drive - by this time the sound had stopped. Did some checks on the TB H/L drive all seems OK. 

So am a bit stuck as to what it could be, am thinking maybe rear drive shaft has given up the ghost or ?? 

Any ideas ??



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The only way to properly check the propshaft UJ's is off the vehicle . Be sure to chock the wheels before removing . 

The noise could also be a CV joint , either running dry or worn out . 

When you checked H/L function did you check the difflock works and is disengaged ? 


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