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The Last Overland

steve b

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Anyone else watched The Last Overland 4 part programme on C4/All4 ? I only caught it by chance mentioned in an All4 promo in an ad break - I usually mute sound and ignore the screen during ads....

I enjoyed the mini series and the old footage of the original First Overland mixed into the shows added lots. 

The vast amount of Land Rovers residing in Thailand was a surprise to see. 

"Oxford" looked lovely and did the job too


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Me too - I’ve posted a link on the forum ‘in the something to watch’ thread. 

I love the Land Rover guy who has the yard full of ex government vehicles - and gets all emotional about it.  That’s the spirit of ownership right there. 😊

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One of the other interesting things during the shows was just how many people along the route had original copies of Tim's book about the trip. A great indicator of just how influential the First  Overland was to so many different nationalities. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just saying:

I look after the A36. On the route is a little village, called Upton Lovell. Back in 2008, I was tasked with seeing a 'neighbour' who had some tree issues. Gentleman by the name of Mr Barrington Brown.

I organised a visit and dropped down to see him. I'd read the book years before, but didn't twig.

That first visit ended up being a 'if you're in the area drop by for a coffee' that only finished on his (and his wife's) death (on the A36 - death by 8 wheel tipper) in 2012.

He was a lovely man. Funny. Clever. Kind. It would be fair to say that I miss him. His wife was also very kind.

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1 hour ago, Bowie69 said:

Now that would have been someone I would liked to have had a chin wag with.

I think Tim is the only remaining survivor....?

Pretty sure he is the last one. He was at the funeral. Really nice chap. 

BB was an amazing bloke. The First Overland trip was just a small fraction of an life well lived.

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  • 3 months later...

Well, not only have I now watched this (and enjoyed it) but today we were out & about in London village where the producer chappy Alex Bescoby was doing a talk at the Destinations travel show at Olympia and signing books (he spent lockdown writing the book of the journey).

I'm usually suspicious of people who are that cheerful but he was a properly good chap, massively into the history of the journey as well as the countries they passed through and you could tell he'd developed a massive respect for Tim Slessor as well.

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58 minutes ago, rusty_wingnut said:

sponsored by ifor williams I heard

They did seem woefully unprepared for any of the things that would totally predictably go wrong with a Series 1, the idea of having to call a tow-truck because your wheel bearing failed on an expedition is beyond me - but they did at least seem to be in the spirit of things and considering how modern TV production values butcher everything it really wasn't bad.

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You are much more positive about it that I would have guessed Fridge. My bad as the kids say !!

I think Alex’s dad is in the Series 1 club so he probably grew up with them in the background? 

I enjoyed the beginning of the series - less so the last couple of episodes where it felt a bit rushed and a bit lighter on content. 

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Yeah I was expecting to hate it after the first one but as long as you don't expect it to be hardcore swashbuckling it's not bad - ultimately in this day & age driving 13,000 miles is not as big an adventure as it used to be, most places have roads & phone signal and you're never very far from a Starbucks.

Yes they were somehow not prepared for the foibles of the S1, but Alex said in his talk a LOT of stuff went wrong with it so we may not have seen the full picture on TV - these days TV would rather show "human interest" than anything technical so we probably got more footage of zoom calls home just in case anyone became emotional for the cameras rather than of anyone waving spanners because who wants to see that? :rolleyes:

Would've been more colourful with Tim Slessor driving no doubt but given the circumstances the alternative was to not go at all. Alex actually said Tim was not bothered if he died trying but his family were slightly more bothered!

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I really enjoyed it from start to finish. A refreshing change to the usual junk related to vehicles of any sort on terrestrial tv. 

That said some of the new most dangerous roads might be ok ....maybe:).

I think the Last Overland did connect well to the ethos of the first trip and after all who hasn't rushed the last week of a fixed time road trip at some point?

...some on here even rush the last 24hrs before the ferry leaves for a bit of a run overseas...


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