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Thank god. My only reason for having a TV is back B) :D

(P.S. Having been to see Top Gear filmed, Clarkson is actually quite a down to earth amiable guy, chatting to everyone etc. ... Hamster as you might of guessed is most amusing :) ).

Have to agree.

When I went to see the filming I found Clarkson to have a good sense of humour and a very sharp wit.

Tis good to see the show back.


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I thought it was an OK episode tonight.

Apart from having 2 shouting toddlers running around the house interfering with my beer drinking, the pictures were fine....... :D

Fair do's though, the 314 mph at elvington was impressive. Have been to a run wat ya brung day there with a CR500 super motard. Bumpy little potholed runway that is. Must have been improved since 2002.....

I'd like to see more tractor puilling on Top Gear.

Or let Clarkson et al try an RTV / CCV trial.

Any one else got an idea? :):blink:

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I thought it was brilliant. Gave Hamster the chance to publicly thank all those who saved his life (big up for the NHS and the YAA) , and JC almost looked as if he had a tear in his eye when they were discussing the crash.

The road surfacing bit was hilarious IMHO.... good to see them back.

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Yeah, I enjoyed it :)

It was always going to be a bit 'less cars' than usual what with Hamsters first episode etc.

I enjoyed the highways bit, I said to Dan 'they'll never do it in a day', thinking about the 8 man crew that we usually have working these things... then I saw the amount of trucks etc. they had! lol! :)

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My money is on Warickshire CC going straight back in and doing it again - there's no way that black will stay down any length of time :lol::lol: .

As for Clarkson, I think his TV persona is hysterical. His aim is to push everybody's buttons and he does it brilliantly! His books are eqwually as good. It would be interesting to see him in his home environment....

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Just sat down and watched Top Gear, bit late but had an ear infection most of the week so been feeling like carp ( and i have never really had a problem with them before, after all i did not have an older brother who put my head into a bean bag :):):) , family joke :) , sorry jules)


WOW what a crash . i did not know they were going to show that much footage of it . But glad to see Richard is back to his old self and them all still muching about .

Had to laugh at the p*** take of the heath and safty of the road works

Good show looking forward to the rest of the seris

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