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TD5 - Not Happy!

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Evening All

We went out in the 110 earlier and all was good for about half an hour then it started sounding and feeling like it was dropping a cylinder and you could feel it rough on the gearstick. I slowed down and at idle it didn't sound quite right but pulled well up to 2000RPM then massive droning, and roughness as it drops a cylinder (I think). I drove home slowly and about a mile from home the MIL light came on. Got it in the garage and very quickly plugged the Nanocom in to see what was logged listed (below): 

10.6 MIL Lamp Drive Open Load - logged

10.7 GlowPlug Lamp Open Load - Logged

15.2 High Speed Crank (logged)

I did notice the mass air flow reading was down to 58 and usually reads around 65 (air flow meter is about a year old and Continental) but may be because a cylinder is not firing.

There is not much I can do before next weekend because of work, but thinking crank sensor is on the way out. It does start instantly and always has started instantly. I put an infrared camera (FLIR) on the exhaust manifold in case I could see one cylinder playing up but it showed uniform temperature across its length. I used to use this method for finding cylinders down on truck and marine engines and normally works well! 

Does a crank sensor on a TD5 fail as a misfire - I must admit that I thought they normally worked or not? I will order an injector loom this week and fit as they are relatively cheap and something to rule out. I pulled the ECU plug and it is clean - no oil what so ever and never has been.

Anyone else have any ideas for me to mull over until I get to it next weekend? If it helps it has been running well for years now and only yesterday was pulling trailer loads of logs like a train - may be that was the signal something was going to go wrong!! 


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Right - I got some time this morning to have a look at the Landy. I have changed the the injector loom but unfortunately this is not the problem. I did momentarily run it with the rocker cover off - the cam chain doesn't half pump some oil out!!! It did show all the valves and injectors operating correctly and I didn't find anything else untoward. I went around the block and this time the engine is properly cutting out totally for a split second then continues to run. This cutting out increases with how much welly it is given and at idle appears to be running on five cylinders although you can feel a distinct misfire on the gearstick. When it cuts out the MIL light comes straight on with the same 15.2 High Speed Crank (logged) fault code.

I think I need to get a new crank sensor next.....then possibly injectors ☹️

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4 hours ago, Landrovernuts said:

I think I need to get a new crank sensor next.....then possibly injectors ☹️

People seem to swap injectors at the drop of a hat, which is weird because what's the odds of all 5 injectors going faulty at exactly the same time???

Start with the cheap stuff - sensors, wiring, immobiliser and leave the expensive / weird stuff for last until you're really sure they're the problem.

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33 minutes ago, Landrovernuts said:

I am doing the crank sensor tomorrow when I can hopefully pick one up from Brookwells but not too much left to do other than injectors that would cause a distinct misfire. 

Presumably a misfire would be one injector not a whole set though...

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Yes, but probably won’t know which one until they are tested. I have already put an IR gun on the exhaust manifold and done the Nanocom test on the injectors and you can hear the solenoids work but that doesn’t test the fuel side. The engine starts instantly and sounds fine at idle but you can feel the misfire in the gearstick. As the revs rise it is unmistakable. 

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On 9/24/2023 at 5:37 PM, Landrovernuts said:

Does a crank sensor on a TD5 fail as a misfire

They can do.  You tend to see it misfiring randomly on all cylinders rather than just one - which sounds like what you've got.

Also, it tends to manifest at higher RPM where the timing needs to be more precise.

Often however, it's not the sensor at all but the connection to it.  Water ingress & corrosion is more likely for an intermittent fault.  As you say, the sensor itself (on the whole) either works, or doesn't.

When you replace it - give the connector a thorough clean & fill it with grease / vaselene.  If this is the cause, the seals on the vehicle side of the harness are just as likely to be leaking as the sensor side.

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100% ⬆️

that’s what I meant it was worth checking the wiring.

Honestly I wouldn’t bother with injectors or the loom when you have a fault code for a part that causes the symptoms you have. 

On 9/25/2023 at 6:22 AM, Anderzander said:

… I’d just start with the Crank Position Sensor - worth checking the wiring to it too. 


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Right - changed the crank sensor. I cleaned up the plug and the hole where the senor goes with brake cleaner, checked the wiring back as far as I can go and it started straight away but hasn't fixed it. I have checked the fuel pressure - bang on 4 bar with no air bubbles in the return (clear hose). Cylinder balance good and injectors test fired through the Nanocom and all solenoids clearly operating.

I got the wife to rev it while I held a screwdriver on the rocker cover and you can clearly here a knock on cylinder 1 or 2 and getting the IR camera out again showed cylinder 1 as slightly hotter than the rest.

I think the high speed crank fault code has been logged because of the missing rather than the CPS being duff but may well be wrong. On the basis of doing all the cheap options and the knocking which incidentally stops on overrun (when the injectors don't fire), I really think it in an injector. I have an injector compression tester so will whip them out, isolate the fuel pump and just make sure compression on all cylinders is equal.

Who are the trusted TD5 injector specialists? I have called and emailed Hickleys but they haven't yet got back to me yet.


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