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Yangwang U8 - looks a bit like something else from certain angles


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....And positively fugly from others.


Some interesting and potentially useful features if they actually work. But it's a tonne heavier than a L405 Range Rover :o 





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Looks like the result of a misalliance between a new Defender and pretty much any large American SUV...

Range on electric only sounds mediocre, but total range (1000km) with only 75l of fuel and a full electric charge is pretty impressive for something that big.

I can see the logic to opening the sunroof as an escape route in emergency float mode, but I'm just picturing someone going a bit deep in flood water (and accompanying torrential rain) as they state it's meant for... Hope the inevitable camera phone is deployed at the time... 😁

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Sounds like they've been taking Elongated Muskrat's wild PR boasts about the Cybertruck at face value and trying to emulate them - floating through a flood in a Chinese EV does not sound like something the legal department would sign off as a recommended use case :ph34r:

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The only good think about that is the four independent motors, copying Rivian.  Other than that, claiming it floats, well so do other unflushable turds.  If it does manage to float, then they will just add to the hazards in the flooding cities throughout eastern China.  The safety systems won’t work, the electrics will be lethal and warranties will never be honoured.  More Chinese sh**.  I don’t know why anybody considers their products other than price, but most of us are aware of buy cheap, buy twice.

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43 minutes ago, Daan said:

The 360-degree turn skid steer is impressive though!

Rivian initially promised that too, but then dropped it as they knew it’d break a lot of parts.  I expect the same here, or an immediate voiding or the warranty if you use it, for what little the warranty would have been honoured.

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15 hours ago, Snagger said:

Rivian initially promised that too, but then dropped it as they knew it’d break a lot of parts.

Ah I did wonder how they were going to live with the number of people who'd be doing skid-steer donuts in every McDonalds car park and ripping all the bushings out / killing all the driveshafts.

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So much negativity!  It looks like this is a real vehicle that will be for sale very soon (but maybe only in China for a while?).  It's conceptually the way things are going in the world and, if the specs are true, actually overcomes some of the anxiety about electric cars.  Yes, it's ugly but only because it looks like the new Defender, which is also ugly.  Who cares?  We are all getting used to the new Defender and, quite possibly, the Chinese market could find it gorgeous!

Rather than mocking something like this, we should worry.  The technological advantage is being taken away from Land Rover and the modern take on "luxury" is no longer the Range Rover domain.  This thing could easily spawn a cheaper version which would comfortably outsell the new Defender.  The Chinese aren't idiots and not everything they make is rubbish.  Check out how well the GWM Tank does, for example.

That float mode may seem like a gimmick but it hints at very high manufacturing tolerances.  Not to be sneezed at.

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19 hours ago, FridgeFreezer said:

Chinese ditchfinder tyres


I think it's good that a car with some different ideas has actually made it to market.  I've found it dissappointing how little EV's in particular have shaken up the market.  Almost all of them look like ICE cars, when there's so much potential to do things differently.  The layout of ICE cars was determined largely by the drive-train.  An EV doesn't need to be constrained the same way.

Tesla have some decent innovation, packaged in a car that looks like a Ford Mondeo with a trim kit.

I was hoping for something that looks like it's driven off a SciFi movie set! 😅

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I can see a lot of project potential in the slightly larger stuff:


An electric truck rolling chassis that you can build whatever you want on (Bollinger are also pausing their boxy pickup to build actual trucks) is pretty interesting.

I'm guessing as more EV's end up in scrapyards we'll see people stripping the "skateboard" and putting new bodies on.

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19 minutes ago, fmmv said:

Can you even drive one of those things (Yangwang thang) on a UK car licence; they seem to weigh over 3.5 tonnes?

Hummer EV still taking the cake and the cheeseburger on that one by a full ton:



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7 minutes ago, geoffbeaumont said:

Talking of Chinese electric cars...


Obviously, nothing yet on what actually went wrong.

TBH given how many cars are mostly fly-by-wire these days I'd suggest it's not an EV thing but just a "modern car" thing.

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1 hour ago, geoffbeaumont said:

True - but it is a quality issue (and not specifically a Chinese one either).

Absolutely - anecdotally manufacturers seem to be getting VERY slapdash these days with electronics & software and it's likely to take a few grizzly deaths before they are forced to change. And that's ignoring the whole self-driving nonsense.

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