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Turbo Question


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My Td5 has developed intermittent boost on the turbo - sometimes it builds it really quickly and sometimes it’s just dead flat. As in foot to the floor and it just won’t build revs.

Sometimes I can down shift to build revs and get some boost - and sometimes it will just suddenly build boost as normal.

When it is on boost it seems as strong as ever. 

Nanocom is giving no faults.

At first I thought the wastegate wasn’t sealing shut properly - but it actually seems to be moving really nicely.

Unlike the Td5 discovery there is no solenoid in the actuator line - it’s just plumbed straight in. 

I did wonder if it could be the pipe work leaking or collapsing - but I can’t see how that would be inconsistent?

Anyone help me what could cause it ? 


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Thank you for this Steve - you’ve fixed it. 

I did consider and (erroneously) disregard the AFM at the start of the issue.  I’ve only ever had them just completely fail though, i.e go to zero reading - and whenever I plugged in the nanocom I was getting numbers in the right range. 

I wasn’t able to notice the intermittent issues in the pattern of the numbers - and I didn’t go back to it as it got worse (where I might have done). 

It’s so helpful to have fresh eyes to remove your own blind spots  🙏🏻 

So it’s driving nicely with it unplugged - and I’ve a new one arriving in the post today. 

Thank you again 

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