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Where does this go??

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Hi all

My ignition has been giving me trouble for the past few weeks and i took it out to see if i could fix it.  I managed to get it going but the ignition barrel will need replacing in the new future.. However when reinstalling it I am left with these 2 plugs which appear to have no home?(picture 1).  I don't remember them being lose when I started so I am wondering if anyone can shed some light on their home or purpose?  I did think that the big white one might marry with the striped one in the 2nd photo but they do not appear to want to do so and I don't want to force it until I know..

All suggestions and comments welcome 



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Hi, Not sure - try checking the wire colours with a wiring diagram to see what they should be for. Maybe for something you don't have fitted as there are redundant connections on mine.


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I think all the Discoveries got the same harness with plugs connected to stuff as per the specification of the vehicle, so finding unused connectors is not unusual, however confusing it may be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Those two connectors aren't used on EU vehicles.

They're C0670 and C0671, which are for the ignition/transmission interlock, fitted to NAS vehicles.



The connector wrapped in yellow/green tape is C0942, which is the "accessory power connector" for the optional navigation system.

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