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ReclaimRUPs - epetition


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"in a vain attempt to mollify the increasingly victimised drivers of 'gas guzzling 4x4s' the pm today virtually acknowledged that recent knee-jerk legislation had been a mistake that had been rushed through with the words 'weimar republic' on everyone's lips, while then saying that the obvious answer, rather than trying to unpopularly repeal the legislation, would be to add insult to injury by putting council officials every 100 yards on the few remaining vehicle trails, to check people's tyre tread depth 'just in case they were thinking of enjoying themselves'"


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Guest diesel_jim

I had that reply emailed to me yesterday also. it's a typical slimy politicians way of not actually answering the question.... YES, we know that byways are still (at the momont) legal, it's the downgraded RUPPS that we're concerned with.

total bunch of to$$ers, the lot of them! :angry::angry::angry::angry:

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I had that reply emailed to me yesterday also. it's a typical slimy politicians way of not actually answering the question.... YES, we know that byways are still (at the momont) legal, it's the downgraded RUPPS that we're concerned with.

total bunch of to$$ers, the lot of them! :angry::angry::angry::angry:

In the Gliding scene we also have our problems. This is a reply I had from 10 Downing Street.

You recently signed a petition asking the Prime Minister to

"give consideration to a threat to airfields across the UK

which might be considered "brownfield" sites for redevelopment

as a result of a flawed new planning policy statement from the

Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)."

The Prime Minister's Office has responded to that petition and

you can view it here:


Prime Minister's Office

Petition info: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/Airfields/

Answers much the same in content as for our byeways, it takes 10 hours to decipher the jingo to find they have stuck up 2 fingers.

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