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Today's sightings

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I'm in Grantham Lincolnshire. I mostly see new Disco's, Defenders and Range Rovers going about. The Disco and Range Rover drivers never wave. I do get a wave from some Defenders. The other day a total stranger in a 110 csw pulled up next to me at the lights, waved and said morning. There doesn't seem to be many series motors (except the one on my drive for sale) and Classic Range Rovers going around. There is a 200Tdi disco going around with one of those wushing sounding dump valves.

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every day i go to work i see at least one, less than 6mths old, Landrover of each model!

Every day I go to work I see several thousands, brand new, Land Rovers of each model!


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Morning Eager spotters


Out here In Belgium Holand & germany its quite strange

There are lots of Range Rovers in the our local area P38s & Later - never acknowlege each other

Hardly and defenders series although nearly always give a blast of the hore or a flash of the lights even oncomming on the otherside of the Motorway.

As there very few defenders with utilities & business you hardly either see them or recieve acknolegement from them.

Likewise with the the little uns the freelanders there are more of them but move around oblivious as do many Discoverys

The clubs are more democratic and the members regardles of what Landrover creed mix (safety in no`s) as the tide of jap 4X4s about makes the LR representation disproportionately small


happy trails


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Hello Spotters,

Well I solved the enigma of the missing RRC's they are all here in the Volcanic region of France.

On my way into town I saw two one a nicely tricked black one with huge wheels and winch and the other 'stock'. I arrived at the local Bricomarche (diy store) and there were two more in the car park one looking very sad and drooping.

On the way home a SII hooted and waved followed 1 min later by a light flashing 110 truck cab. The best bit though was the local Pompiers ( fire fighters) New red TD5 waving as it went by in the opposite direction.

The final one was the dark blue 110 Gendarme's vehicle that I am very pleased to say did not wave,flash or hoot at me.

Not bad for a 30km round trip in the French mountains.



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Around here, Moscow, I admit, in several years I saw maybe three or four Defenders (and maybe it was the same each time!). T ;) here is a, how do you call it again, Freeelander parked in my street and I see a few of them every week. :mellow:

But for the Disco and the RR, that's another story: There are packs of them! Everyday, I see so many of them that I stopped counting. Of course they are the latest version with all chromes and shiny stuff... :blink:

I guess they start learning Russian in solihull...

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