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Foggy rover


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Has anybody tried any of the anti fogging products e.g. Fog-X (or Rain-X which is probably the same stuff anyway? :unsure:) or indeed anything else, on the inside of vehicle windows, and did it work? Defender side windows are impossible in the winter time, you only have to breathe and you can't see a damn thing for the first ten minutes until the heater warms up. Wondering if any of them work...

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I don't use anything other than keeping the inside of the windows immaculately clean, which works very well.

Before anyone scoffs, my 110 does get damp stuff in it, such as soaked camping gear, and my heater works VERY well when the fan is working as fast as it can go.

I cover any wet / damp stuff as much as possible to stop too much evaporation, hence misting.

I can recall only 1 or 2 instances in the last year where my side visibility was poor. Generally, the front side windows were OK.

Greasy / dirty windows (inside of them) mist up FAR, FAR quicker and to a greater extent than clean ones. And take FAR, FAR longer to demist.

BUT, I've also heard good reports of the anti-mist / fogging products. I just wouldn't / dont need to use them myself.

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I see your potato and raise you a turnip!! :blink:

A nice 400w heated screen also keeps the mist away.

Not really going to help much on the side windows, unless you are very posh and can afford heated glass all over!!

I used Rain-X on the both the inside and outside of my old Mk 2 Golf and, while it worked a treat on the outside, it never really helped on the inside. In my younger years of reading Max Power in the 6th Form common room, I read a product test and it said that, officially, it shouldn't be used on the front and rear screens... Don't know how much truth there is in it.... or how anone could prove it!! Probably them just ar#e covering!!

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I recently removed all the wet clay from the bottom of the heater fan casing, this reduced the misting up quite a bit :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I have found that on previous vehicles - knocking the "fanny drain" out of the bottom of the heater intake and then hosing out all the wet peat from the ducting makes a hell of a difference :)

Surely potato would just make a big potatoey (sp?) smear on the window :unsure:

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Stephen you don't use cooked potato, you cook it later. I thought you Southern Atlantic rufty tufty types would know about tatties.

Cut the spud in half and wipe the cut surface over the screen/visor, leave it to go slightly tacky then polish in with a soft rag

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Stephen you don't use cooked potato, you cook it later. I thought you Southern Atlantic rufty tufty types would know about tatties.

Cut the spud in half and wipe the cut surface over the screen/visor, leave it to go slightly tacky then polish in with a soft rag

I realised that you didn't smear mashed potato on the inside :P

Never tried it - will give it a go. Any particular breed of potato superior to others - would one choose a pink eyed King Edward, or a Maris Piper?

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