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Improvised Bush Press


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Rejo was over this weekend. The Army REME workshops said I could use there bush press but are closed at the weekend. So Rejo decided to knock up an improvised press. This involved a 15 Tonne bottle jack, a steel housing, two metal blocks and different size socket heads. It worked really well!










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To the Mods


I'm a bit confused with these recent changes to the forum as have been away for a while. Have I put this in the right place? I'm in Germany and Rejo in Holland, so is putting this in International forum ok?


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We have a Draper 10t bench press at work (just for little jobs, got a 50 ton V L Churchill one that is older than me for big jobs B) ) and the cheapy ones like the Draper are more or less the same thing just a glorified bottle jack in a frame. Good idea and a lot cheaper than buying one :)

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