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Shires are having a play day at Brick kiln Farm between Alton and Fourmarks on the A31

The Farmer is told us he feels there is no risk from F&M nr him so we can play

Warning this site can be damaging and is in some areas is not for the faint hearted the more experienced among us will know it well. ;)

There are plenty of areas for shinnies to play as well

Same rules as normal apply for shires days see the web site for details

4th Nov


Most Shire events are, but joining only costs £10 per year and if you're quick getting your membership form & payment off you should be on the memberlist in time (Will won't thank me for this, sorry Will! :P ) and you get four rather excellent newsletters for your money too.

and you get four rather excellent newsletters for your money too.

With some very well written articles by mere mortals like me :rolleyes:

The SLRC sire says its members only :(

:huh: whats so bad about that

As long as you join before the event you can play and £10 is nothing for club membership these days

:huh: whats so bad about that

Nothing if youre not a member of any other clubs, Im a SROC and series 2 club member and thats enough Im afraid.


Why do clubs do the members only thing, is it for insurance purposes or something? I would have thought that if they charged non-members a bit more then the money made would go into the club account, which would obviously be beneficial.



It's insurance, also making people join up in advance as we do has cut down massively on idiots treating it like a site day and turning up with a £50 shed on a trailer.

And what would be the point of a club if you didn't have to join it to get the benefit enjoyed by the members? :rolleyes:

Why do clubs do the members only thing, is it for insurance purposes or something? I would have thought that if they charged non-members a bit more then the money made would go into the club account, which would obviously be beneficial.



The non member rule makes the day safer and better for members and much easier to manage for the marshals

Classic of the minority spoiled it for the majority I'm afraid


Anyway who is coming along

there are some evil hills that have that I need to play on with the LSE I haven't driven there for about a year.

Anyway who is coming along

there are some evil hills that have that I need to play on with the LSE I haven't driven there for about a year.

I'm coming along. It will be my first time there as my shift rota has always got in the way. Looking forward to it.


Come and say hello

I never manage to work out who forum people are in real life :huh:

unless your at the club social Thursday night

Come and say hello

I never manage to work out who forum people are in real life :huh:

unless your at the club social Thursday night

I have said hello!!! :lol: Both at the social last month, and at the last Bunny Lane. I'm obviously instantly forgettable... :(

I have said hello!!! :lol: Both at the social last month, and at the last Bunny Lane. I'm obviously instantly forgettable... :(

I can remember who you are and I'm cr*p with names! I'll point you out to Jules tonight :lol:

(Jules don't forget I've got a tailgate for you)

Looking forward to Sunday now, should have a couple of small tweaks done that will need testing B)

I can remember who you are and I'm cr*p with names! I'll point you out to Jules tonight :lol:


:unsure: .................

John! (phew :lol: )


Great day! My first time at Brick Kiln and I came away with two broken bits (not quite as impressive as Jules on his ride home!) - a front indicator unit and I lost a front bumper end cap (admittedly it was only held on by a cable-tie, and ickle screw, and some wishful thinking.


A good day, bit quiet but then the day had been on/off/on/moved a bit due to F&M so good to see people turning up at all really! About 20 trucks in total I think. Brilliant weather, this global warming malarky gets my vote :lol: wonder if we're gonna get a really cold/snowy start to 2008?

As usual - anyone with photos please send them to photos@shirelrc.com. :P

The new tyres (37x12.50 Creepy Crawlers :wub:) worked nicely, don't think I got stuck once (although I came close), and managed to do stuff that I don't think is usually possible, like doing a 3-pointer (to recover Ryan) in the deep ruts along the bottom of the site. I did fail a couple of hill climbs but that was mainly out of mechanical sympathy.

Also I really must adjust my front locker actuator as it seems very intermittent - I don't think I actually set it up properly before Russia (since it wasn't plumbed in then it wasn't an issue) so a quick tinker may be in order.

Feel sorry for Miketomcat who managed to break a front shaft in about 3 minutes of playing :(

A few pics from Ryan:

Jules stuck - this is a nasty section unless you have a short wheelbase or your car bends in the middle :o


Good action shot:


Ryan copying Jules, 8" less wheelbase but similar result:


Yours truly deciding against a rather damaging descent (hmm, rock sliders needed perhaps?):


Considering it's wet chalk with some clay on top I was well pleased with the crawlers climbing the bank behind me, in fact I was kinda wishing they wouldn't grip so much so that the rear end would slide round a bit! :rolleyes: Hmmm, fiddle brakes perhaps...

Next SLRC event is a play day and fun challenge at Bunny Lane on the 25th November, hope to see everyone there.

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