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Surely "the right one" :huh:

Or are you looking for custom ones with more flex/stretch? Range Rover / coiler ones have wider angle UJ's and more sliding joint IIRC, and I heard somewhere the later TD5 ones have more again. If you can't find one that fits I'm sure someone (coughTONKcough) will explain how easy it is to shorten a prop.

After that you're into proper custom territory, my vote www.gon2far.co.uk but I'm slightly biased :P

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i had to do some work on the front brakes and i notice that the prop was at its limit and im wondering if i should get a new prop what is longer but im not that sure on what one i should get.

(towards last post i made) i aint think ing on what im putting coz ive got test all this week and the teachers are pushing me to get good grades, which is making me tried all the time.

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Oh gawd..............

I was almost ok on the 1st sentence,

................Then I got to the second ...........................and lost it again...

These exams ...........................................................English and Grammar one of them ? :D

I have read your several posts ................and would help but I just do not understand, ................

.................have another go, ...................give us a clue and we will see if we can help ??


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..................................oh no!............................now Nige's "." key is stuck!......................................................................

....................................................this thread is going downhill rapidly!....................................................

....................................................You wants to learn to type proper like what I does!................................................



................................................ :blink:



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right, well i'm assuming that the suspension is on full droop when its at its limit? ie the prop wont go long enough?

is the prop hitting the bellhousing Xmember?

wot suspension set up have u got now?

when u say prop at its limit, have u supported the vehicle from the chassis so the front wheels are off the floor and tried to put the prop on and found it not long enough?

a bit more info and we could sort this so much quicker :rolleyes:

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so exactly how did u determine the prop was at the end of the splines?

if u undone the prop from axle and there was a gap between mating flanges then i could understand your diagnosis

that said and done, if u have got a length problem :o have u got access to a lathe? can u weld?

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well i'm guessing u dont need much more length, easiest way is to take a 90 prop, get one with no threaded collar on, they have rubber bellow on there to keep the crud out. shorten it (lathe is best) then weld it back together again.

alternately buy one, best place to get one is here IMO

make sure u have all the dimensions correct cos they make them to your specs.

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What have you done to correct the castor angle having put the extended shackles on?

If nothing the simplest answer is to put standard shackles back on - end of problem. Custom props are hideously expensive, and if you cant weld you're stuffed as the crossmember will need notching as Tonk says.

You'll probably also find that the front brake hoses are too short.


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When I fitted extended shackles I was getting propshaft 'rumbles' so replaced both shafts (standard ones), its helped but not cured the problem. I have done nothing to correct the axle angle and was thinking of using wedges. So why don't you like the wedges Tonk and what have you done to correct the angle?

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wedges i've used in the past have been ali, i found that the front axle became loose, whether this was down to the ali wearing where crud got between them and the spings/axle i dont know but i binned em and ground the angle onto the axle pads. problem solved

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