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Jerry can contents

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I bought a jerry can from Old Sodbury the other month and I'm pretty sure it was used for diesel.

I actually have a petrol 90 and didn't think about it at the time as it came with a cage and new spout for 15 quid but can it be cleaned and used to store petrol?

Does it need any special treatment?



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Isn't it illegal to carry around full tanks of fuel?

Probably. It's illegal to use 20L cans and to fill a can more than a certain amount. Doesn't stop me carrying a full 20L can though :P

At the kart track we used to fill an escort van with jerry cans (literally the whole back full), drive to the station and fill them all up. God knows how illegal that was - mind you, I've never driven more carefully than when carrying 400L of unleaded :o

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I was in a petrol station a few years back, and a guy was filling a red metal can with petrol, the cashier call over the intercom for him to stop filling it as only plastic cans were allowed....

Get this....

He was a fireman and had just got out of the fire engine which was parked on the fore court.......!!!



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They should stop you but rarely do.

When I am heading away for the weekend I fill up several 20L Jerry cans and I have never been stopped yet. I think the trick is not to remove them from the vehicle which would give the cashier a chance to see what they were, I fill mine when they are still in situ in the rear.

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Isn't it illegal to carry around full tanks of fuel?

Eh? never heard that. How are you supposed to get fuel home for your mower? You'd look pretty stupid getting it out of the back to put 0.5L in it. "don't mind the grass clippings mate - I'll sweep those up before I leave".

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It is illegal to fill a jerry can up if it is still in your car. Someone I know has a garage and told someone to stop doing it. When they didnt he went out to stop them and they jumped in their car and tried to drive away. My mate then tried to grab the keys from the ignition but the guy wound his window up traping his arm in. He then pulled away with my mate hanging from his car. He drove a mile and a half before my mate could get his arm free. The worst bit is my mates garage is on a dual carrageway section of the A1 so was being draged up a road with cars doing 90 mph past him!

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