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Letters of objection required - Dorset proposed TRO


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Dorset County Council is proposing to put a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) on the Unclassified , Unpaved County Road at Sares Wood (aka Tincleton) near Affpuddle.

The TRO will consist of a height restriction barrier to prohibit motor vehicles exceeding six feet (1.83m) in height from using the UCR, this barrier will prevent legitimate use of this UCR by most 4x4`s.

FoDRoW have not been included in any consultation regarding the proposed TRO and are not on the list of authorised keyholders.

In Blandford there are several similar height restriction barriers in the car park at Stour Meadows (just 100 metres from the Blandford office for DCC Highways) and West Street, both of these barriers are set at 2.1 metres. These barriers at intended to prevent access by travellers or caravans.

Letters of objections to DCC regarding the proposed height restriction are required, please request the height be set at 2.1 metres.

Letters of objection must be made in writing by 30th November 2007 to:

Miles Butler (DT 2002/1/3)

Director for Environment

Dorset County Council

County Hall

Colliton Park




Further details can be seen at www.dorsetforyou.com/index.jsp?articleid=374411

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Letter written as follows:

My address

19 November 2007

Miles Butler (DT 2002/1/3)

Director for Environment

Dorset County Council

County Hall

Colliton Park



Dear Mr Butler

Re. Height restriction on Unclassified , Unpaved County Road at Sares Wood (aka Tincleton) near Affpuddle.

It is my understanding that it is your intention to create a height restriction of 1.83 meters on the route referred to above and to enforce this height restriction by the use of a height barrier. I am concerned that this will prevent legitimate use of the UCR by vehicles exceeding this height, for example, many 4x4 type vehicles.

I understand that in Blandford there are similar restrictions in force with the barrier set to 2.1 meters and I request that you set the height restriction referred to above at 2.1 meters as this would be a more suitable height restriction to allow access for legitimate users.

Yours sincerely

Chris Watts

Which will be in the post this afternoon.

If anyone would like to copy it and send then please do - ideally making a few changes so it looks like your own work!



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