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Unashamedly OT Plea from BetaMax Man


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Santa has received a request from my son for an Ipod for Christmas. Being as I have just mastered the Sky remote control I wanted to ask some advice from the less technically challenged. I was under the impression that the Ipod could only store music etc downloaded from Apple. is this correct or will it accept data from any source? Anything else that I need to know beofre goinf shopping?


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There is a sh*tload of DRM (Digital Rights Management) with the iPod and iTunes, if you have more than one PC you can't move music between the two as it thinks you're copying things to all your mates. There is a freeware iPod control program that can get round it to a greater or lesser degree I think.

Depends if he is such a fashion victim that he absolutely must have an iPod, or if one of the many similar ones available would do the trick. Many of the cheapo ones have no restrictions on them at all.

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I have quite a lot of music downloaded from the net on my PC via uTorrent etc which he may want to stick on the Ipod so is this likely to cause problems. I have suggested that one of the other non-Apple products may be a better (cheaper?) option but the percieved street-cred (God, I sound old) of the iPod seems to outway common-sense.

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You can put all your music on the Ipod, no problem. It is music downloaded from ITunes and use of Itunes generally that is a PITA. You have to keep a copy of the media on your computer all the time or Itunes will delete if from your Ipod.

I bought a Creative Zen MP3 player and it is great. You can't buy any decent accessories for it though and I ended up giving it to my daughter and buying an Ipod which I now use in the car with an Itrip - the whole reason for buying an MP3 player, I think that the headphones are still in their original packet! I just need to get over the Itunes thing and all will be well. No regrets about buying an Ipod, it may have cost slightly more but seems very good quality and you can get lots of accessories.


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Santa has received a request from my son for an Ipod for Christmas. Being as I have just mastered the Sky remote control I wanted to ask some advice from the less technically challenged. I was under the impression that the Ipod could only store music etc downloaded from Apple. is this correct or will it accept data from any source? Anything else that I need to know beofre goinf shopping?


I POD good, I Tunes bad.

Depending on what he wants it for remember these things don't work at serious altitudes...

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