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Biggest size wheels that can be fitted to a land rover?

Jon W

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I reckon it would have been ok if the wheels hadn't had a section of the rim missing (ok essential for this task). the amount of torque needed to overcome the flat section must be huge with that radius.

shame though, could have been quite entertaining watching them trying to line it up.

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It was in very good condition apart from the damage. Nice and shiny with good paintwork.

I quite often get the feeling that stuff is planted so that it's actually possible to do the tasks put to the contestants. A lot of the stuff they 'find' would never be in a scrapyard in real life.


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There was an article in one of the mags a while back about the program, they do discuss with the experts beforehand as to what they're going to build so that they know it's reasonably plausible, safe-ish and to make sure they have some "scrap" that's roughly what they need...

For example, how handy that they had loads of shiny new lengths of 2x2" box to make those wheels... :rolleyes:

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