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no fuel to engine


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I,m new to the forum but have owned a 1996 discovery for a few years and now have a problem where no fuel is getting to injectors. I have by passed the inerita switch and still do not get the fuel pump to run. i have a haynes manual which is some help but the fuel pump relay is not where they say it should be. Can someone direct me to the right relay so i can see if that is the problem?


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I,m new to the forum but have owned a 1996 discovery for a few years and now have a problem where no fuel is getting to injectors. I have by passed the inerita switch and still do not get the fuel pump to run. i have a haynes manual which is some help but the fuel pump relay is not where they say it should be. Can someone direct me to the right relay so i can see if that is the problem?


Thanks for answering, the model is US and fuel injected, I have gained access to the fuel pump in back and cannot hear the pump run. Also I have removed the cap on the injector rail and the fuel is just not their. Getting spark, I use to have trouble with the inertia switch opening. reset and even bypassed with jumper still the pump will not run. I am thinking the relay failed but having trouble locating and checking. The wiring chart appears that the pump in inline with ground and so i am leary of putting 12 volts direct to pump without clarification. My 1993 VDP Jaguar is easy fixing comparedt to the DISCO.

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Thanks for answering, the model is US and fuel injected, I have gained access to the fuel pump in back and cannot hear the pump run. Also I have removed the cap on the injector rail and the fuel is just not their. Getting spark, I use to have trouble with the inertia switch opening. reset and even bypassed with jumper still the pump will not run. I am thinking the relay failed but having trouble locating and checking. The wiring chart appears that the pump in inline with ground and so i am leary of putting 12 volts direct to pump without clarification. My 1993 VDP Jaguar is easy fixing comparedt to the DISCO.


  • Is it hotwire? (if you don't know it can be explained but it will help with diagnosis)
  • Cap on fuel rail - what is this? I'm not aware of the V8 fuel rail having a cap at any point. If you're unscrewing the fuel temperature sensor at the front of the plenum then you are out of luck, there is no direct contact with fuel through that hole.
  • The fuel pump will not run until the ECU turns it on, I don't remember if there is a priming pulse but if not it will not run until the ECU thinks the engine is turning.

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  • Is it hotwire? (if you don't know it can be explained but it will help with diagnosis)
  • Cap on fuel rail - what is this? I'm not aware of the V8 fuel rail having a cap at any point. If you're unscrewing the fuel temperature sensor at the front of the plenum then you are out of luck, there is no direct contact with fuel through that hole.
  • The fuel pump will not run until the ECU turns it on, I don't remember if there is a priming pulse but if not it will not run until the ECU thinks the engine is turning.

I am unaware of excatly HOTWIRE is could you please explain?

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The airflow meter will either be the old type (flapper, named because it measures airflow with a sprung flap) or hotwire, named because it measures airflow using a heated wire. Which type you have will tell us which EFI system your car is running:


It's located in the big air hose between the air filter and the plenum chamber, should be easy to spot.

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The airflow meter will either be the old type (flapper, named because it measures airflow with a sprung flap) or hotwire, named because it measures airflow using a heated wire. Which type you have will tell us which EFI system your car is running:


It's located in the big air hose between the air filter and the plenum chamber, should be easy to spot.

It is the hotwire with the GEMS system

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I don't think Gems V8s do have the dreaded spider, though I have never seen a Gems vehicle.

My Disco is the GEMS equipped unit here in the USA, and after reading the great advice everyone has so kindly supplied,belive I need to check the SPIDER UNIT since I have the 2 button fob and wiring shows an immoblizer somewhere in the system. I have a one day window of opportunity dry no rain/snow this week end and will check all the suggestions everyone has supplied. I have read Blog Monster's spider fix and will recheck all fuses, relays and wiring again as suggested, will let everyone know the outcome.

Stoney 1996 DISCO.

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Well guys I pulled the dash and other stuff looking for the spider and lo and behold their was none behind my temp control and radio. Behind the UK version drivers right kickpanel, passenger here in the USA their is the ECU the relays and a green box which I have no ideal what it is. I did find and jump the fuel pump realy and the pump runs. SO I am back looking for the Immobilizer unit on this US model DISCO. Shows one in the wiring.

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i had the same problem, i know the cap on the fuel rail that you mean, on mine it's on the left hand rail as you stand at the front (rhd) facing the engine, it's the same as a tyre valve and if you press the pin then if there is petrol under pressure it squirts out.

mine turned out as two faults, one was a bad conection on the plug to the pump, the other was the relay, in mine it's located behind the kick panel by the drivers right foot.

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i had the same problem, i know the cap on the fuel rail that you mean, on mine it's on the left hand rail as you stand at the front (rhd) facing the engine, it's the same as a tyre valve and if you press the pin then if there is petrol under pressure it squirts out.

mine turned out as two faults, one was a bad conection on the plug to the pump, the other was the relay, in mine it's located behind the kick panel by the drivers right foot.


Yes, you are right I have the cap in the rail system, I just spent the day removing dash panels and looking for the spider unit and discovered as Blogger noted their is not one on my GEMS Disco. I get spark when cranking and if I jump the fuel pump relay the pump runs but discovered no fuel getting to the rails and being pressurized. So I am going to go and get another fuel filter and when replacing check for fuel coming from the pump when engerized. I still dont know why the relay will not engage when switched on and cranking?? I removed the inerita switch and straight wired the connection it has gave me trouble before. So I will see if fuel comes out the hose when filter removed. I am getting good spark when cranking.

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Is this distributorless? If so, it gets it's cranking signal from the flywheel sensor. If it's making sparks the ECU can see the engine turning and should energise the fuel pump & fire the injectors. The fact that's not happening suggests an electrical fault or perhaps a dodgy ECU (although I'd change the expensive bit as a last resort!).

If it's got a distributor, then I would suspect no signal is getting from the coil/amp to the ECU to tell it the engine is turning.

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I,m new to the forum but have owned a 1996 discovery for a few years and now have a problem where no fuel is getting to injectors. I have by passed the inerita switch and still do not get the fuel pump to run. i have a haynes manual which is some help but the fuel pump relay is not where they say it should be. Can someone direct me to the right relay so i can see if that is the problem?


The disco is the model without a distrubitor, and lucas hotwire fuel injection. i have a tyre type relive valve on the fuel rail for depressurizaing the system. and have checked that before and fuel would spray out under pressure.but now no fuel spraying or pressure building up when I jump the pump relay and the pump runs. i am going to replace the fuel filter today and also new plug wires since I pulled the end off one last night. When cranking I do get good spark, I am also going to find a replacment relay for the pump and fuel injectors and install also. I don't think the ecu is the problem just yet.


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I,m new to the forum but have owned a 1996 discovery for a few years and now have a problem where no fuel is getting to injectors. I have by passed the inerita switch and still do not get the fuel pump to run. i have a haynes manual which is some help but the fuel pump relay is not where they say it should be. Can someone direct me to the right relay so i can see if that is the problem?


After getting a shop manual and performing all electrical checks I pulled the fuel filter from the line, jumped the relay pump running but no fuel coming out and i know 10 gallons is in the tank. So I will pull the fuel pump next weekend to verfiy the fault and replace,

Thanks to everyone who has offered help and advice, please dont forget to check post next weekend to see if problem fixed or still need your advice. Happy New Year to all.

Stoney Conyers in frozen middle America.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well the old fuel pump was hardly putting out 8-10 psi or less than 1.5 bars of the requires amount to run the Disco.

I bought a fuel pump for a 1996 Chevy 2DR Tahoe suggested replacement from roversnet reader and now getting plenty of fuel and the Disco is running good. The cost was @80.00 us dollars for the pump compared to $223+ from other sources with the savings I replaced the plug wires also since it was getting good spark but one of the boots caame off in my hand when checking plugs. Again my BEST REGARDS from the good advice from everyone in determining the cause. I have sources for parts replacement from other land Rover sites and found online shop manual for download also. If interested drop me a message and I will provide the sources for the parts swap and manuals. Again thanks so much from everyone who kindly offered me great advice and looking foward to many miles of driving pleasure for the 1996 Discovery.


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